Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ditto experience here. I have a well connected GOP brother who said basically the exact same thing, as well as several clients who are usually conservative. (Even the old oldies who complain about Twitter when I know they don’t have a Twitter account! LOL) I don’t listen to Ben Shapiro because he is an annoying little twit, but I have to wonder if that is where this is all coming from. All these Republicans are saying the same thing about thing about Trump—“He just needs to tone it down a bit”, and the exact same phrases you said your friend said. So it is coming from Somewhere. My guess is Shapiro. Does anyone here listen to him?

Yoikesandaway 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a Self-Own.

Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

SGT Report had a guy on a few weeks ago that went into extreme detail with loads of court cases. The guy’s name is Dr. KL and he sent me a lot of info when I signed up. (I am super busy right now, so I haven’t had a chance to dig into it.). Here’s the podcast: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-p4ret-12a62b3

I would list all the court cases, but it’s pages and pages.

Yoikesandaway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Loved those deep dives Neon used to do. Learned a lot.

Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

The root cause is Pride, one of the deadly sins.

Yoikesandaway 34 points ago +34 / -0

Is there any way for the FBI to ever come back from any of this? I mean, it just keeps getting worse for them. Will anyone ever be able to trust them again? Bongino made the point that the corruption will affect their ability to do investigations, get warrants, be trusted by juries and judges, etc. It’s past time for the whole organization to be disbanded and the responsibilities moved to other agencies. The top people involved must be prosecuted.

Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL this so SOOO true. We have a friend who had just retired from the police force, was in a bit of a funk (mild depression), so we convinced him to get a side by side and hit the trails with us—it instantly made him so much happier. I cannot even tell you. It breaks you out of the rut of thinking life sucks and out into the woods or the dunes and gets your blood flowing again. Super fun.

Yoikesandaway 4 points ago +4 / -0

Inheritance taxes are double taxation anyway. It’s wealth that has already been taxed. They need to abolish it for EVERYONE. I remember having a debate about this with a raging Lib 30 years ago. He was actually arguing that no one should inherit anything—it should all go back to the government. Of course, I was listening to Rush Limbaugh every day at the time (had a driving job), and was able to school the little commie. Fond memories.

Yoikesandaway 4 points ago +4 / -0

No way. I just went to a friend’s funeral at a Catholic church and the material over the coffin was ironed—not a single wrinkle. In fact, if there had been, it would’ve looked horrible. People will know instantly.

by DrMcCoy
Yoikesandaway 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just like the Las Vegas shooting… people being disappeared

Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to have a friend who taught remedial speech and she said a lot of kids don’t speak clearly because their parents didn’t talk to them directly or never spoke clearly. So I went a bit overboard when my kids were little and I notice when I hold a little one, they love watching my mouth as I run through the phonemes and show them how to say things.

Yoikesandaway 4 points ago +4 / -0

America was great. It was never perfect, but no one every is (except Jesus Christ). But if you read an account of early America by the Marquis deLayfette, you will see a great civilization working toward the ideals encoded in the Declaration of Independence which says “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” We are still dealing with people who think some are not worthy of these things—back then it was slaves, and now they believe it is babies in the womb and increasingly whites and Christians.

Many of us fall into a slippery trap of thinking if someone is flawed, then they are not worthy. So we say this about our country—“Oh it’s always been bad, therefore we hate it. Get rid of it.” But that is how they destroy a nation from within. Acknowledge the problems, see how people work to fix them, allow God to heal and follow His ways and His Justice and a nation will flourish.

Yoikesandaway 16 points ago +16 / -0

I have a friend who used to work with him. He is awesome! I wish I had known about him when my kids were young—I used to ask about all the vaccines because so many friends were having problems with autism and blamed it on the vaccine. Our pediatrician insisted that they were completely safe. This was 25 years ago when I trusted them. Now—no way.

Yoikesandaway 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep. They shut it down at 5:00 exactly. They said it would be hot and windy, but it is 75 and no wind. Lot of smoke coming over the mountain, though. They should’ve had the fire out last week.,, It’s like de ja vu of 2020 again.

Yoikesandaway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of the ones I know are still completely oblivious to any problems. Thankfully. I pray they stay fine. But just went to a funeral today of a sweet lady who had to go to the hospital last summer (2021), they gave her a vaccine since everyone was required to have it, and she had cancer. Well her cancer got treated, but came back quickly.

Yoikesandaway 26 points ago +26 / -0

Right?! I thought the whole nasal swab thing—sticking it way up in your nose while you wait in a long line of cars was just peak clown show. It was a long two years—first with the Covid fear, then with the vax. I am still pissed off with some people about it. They were such jerks. Yeah, I know they were brainwashed, but it just showed me who I could trust and who to avoid when the SHTF.

by Qlue
Yoikesandaway 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know someone in jail for this. That’s where people like that belong.

Yoikesandaway 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gosh those were exciting times. Loved discovering all the hidden meanings on the Q posts. I had no idea how to properly decipher them, of course, but so many research anons sharing their work—Amazing.

Yoikesandaway 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just talking about these guys the other day. They were, at least for me, one of the first signs that Big Medical was now an evil entity using Covid as a cudgel. The way these doctors were treated was truly shocking. They were speaking Truth and everyone knew it.

Yoikesandaway 10 points ago +10 / -0

He was suspended for not using the pronouns, which went against his religious beliefs (and proper grammar. A young girl is not “they”).

Yoikesandaway 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why they target schools and universities. Students are not usually allowed to question a teacher’s dearly held beliefs. Nor are they usually adequately equipped to debate. One of us would never put up with their stupidity and would call them on it, but a kid wouldn’t know better.

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