Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I see is one hand has a gift of peace (flowers) and the other has a clenched fist (threat of violence).

The poster gives off trojan horse vibes to me.

Zi0ns_walls 5 points ago +5 / -0


The last name Natanson is a Jewish surname of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) origin. The name is derived from the Yiddish personal name Natan or Nata, which is a form of the Hebrew name Nathan, meaning “given” or “gift.”

What a surprise

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems like he's backpedalling, good for the Americans turning up the heat on his comments.

American is for the Americans Britain is for the British etc

Don't be putting foreigners above you in your own country!

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

VIP post anon. 🥇

I'll have a look at Yes, Minister. I've never watched it and if they giving truths out I'll give it a go.

Thank you for the links at the end I'll go through them and then look for the entire series

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

My position is if he did say something bad about biden he should come out and say it like the rest of us do. But if he wants to deny it and sue the controlled media thats his prerogative.

Fuck joe biden

Zi0ns_walls 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yh it does appear that he is corrupt but how much of it is true. Trump is a warmongering, racist, corrupt and bigoted rapist if we listen to what our enemy says about him.

Zi0ns_walls 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thats how I read into wikipedia as thats a left wing watering hole.

He had a lawsuit against Koreas left wing newspapers because they released a video of him insulting potatus, he explained it away saying that you can't hear him say biden and that he used another word.

If he did insult biden I think he could be on the right track.

It looks like how they all turned against Pres Trump in his first term.

If he is part of the plan, martial law is good act to do when were little under two months till Trump returns, hopefully Trump also rounds them up.

Lets get the ball rolling

Zi0ns_walls 19 points ago +19 / -0

I've read through his wiki, and it is very heavily slanted against him as he hates the left. All the usual suspects, progressive organised left groups/protestors, trade unions, newspapers, Universities etc all hate him and equate him to Trump.

I'm not knowledgeable in Korean politics at all and will keep learning in the coming days, but looks like he is right wing patriot trying to stop the subversive communist elements in Korea.

Although his wife is an art director that has allegedly accepted kick backs and we know what that usually means.

In first impressions the Korean deep-state hates him and is doing everything in their power to remove him much like they do to Trump.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the UK, we use duck or goose fat for our roast potatoes on our Christmas dinner, tastes amazing.

Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Your body is 70% water, just inject it"

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

He needs his testosterone levels checked

Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

Try to flip a coin and have it land on heads 140,000 times in a row.

Statistical magic, like the time the only three steel buildings that have ever collapsed due to fire did on the same day.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you ever done a dig into camel beauty contests in arab countries? It's hilarious, they doll them up with make up and some even use botox and other plastic surgeries to sexualise them even further, lmao.


"Key attributes include long, droopy lips, a big nose and a shapely hump." Lmao sick fucks

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Now pass this legislation, giving us your money and freedom, so that we can manipulate the weather!" - Climate Alarmist Faggots

Zi0ns_walls 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the word 'theory' that's the problem, it's self evident they are 'conspiring' against us.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen, If the Apostle Paul was alive today he would write a scathing epistle to the pope denouncing him as an apostate, telling him to repent and get inline with the true Biblical teaching.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's not about how old it is, it's about how similar it is to the original church and also how scripturally correct it is.

The whore of rome isn't anywhere close to the 1st C Church.

We belong to the true church that Jesus founded, you belong to constantine and his pagan/Christian hybrid.

Do and believe what Scripture says, it's really that simple.

Zi0ns_walls 0 points ago +3 / -3

I like you Anon, keep fighting for the Biblical truth

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