bigtimepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least there are no more mean tweets though

bigtimepie 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Pence betrayal narrative never sat well with me... I can normally sniff out the corrupt ones and he just never set off any of my alarms. Quite the contrary actually.

Of course, for now I'll can humbly admit I was wrong if needs be... but I do hope Pence comes out on the right side when all is said and done.

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad Texas is being looked at. Just because Trump won Texas doesn't mean there wasn't fraud here (especially down the ballot).

I believe the Beto campaign was the infrastructure set up of a long plan to slowly turn Texas blue with gradual increasing fraud over time.

bigtimepie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get the feeling that is part of the plan, Trump's media effort will be far beyond a social media app

bigtimepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

States cannot decertify until after the House gets a republican majority.

If the key states decertify right now, and no candidate ends up with enough EC votes, the House will immediately vote for who the winner should be, per the constitution.

The strat is this: Expose fraud, fix the voting laws at the state level, get the House back in 2022, decertify states under a republican lead House, Trump voted in by the House in Jan 2023 allowing him to still run in 2024.

bigtimepie 4 points ago +5 / -1

Honestly, and this isn't dooming, I don't see a path to prove Trump won.

I see a path to prove fraud and have states decertify; this would mean no candidate got an electoral college majority to win the presidency. This will present a constitutional crisis most likely resulting in a SCOTUS ruling.

SCOTUS could rule to remove Biden/Harris giving the presidency temporarily to the Speaker of the House (which I think is unlikely), OR SCOTUS might just ignore the fact that Biden is in office and order the House to proceed with the constitutional rules on how to select a president in the event no candidate gets enough electoral college votes.

if no person have [an electoral college] majority, then from the [top three] persons having the highest numbers...on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.

So the House could vote to keep Biden, or replace him with Trump.

Now we see nothing can happen until the House has a non-corrupt majority -- after 2022 elections. This is why the state election laws being updated and fixed and seeing all the corrupt democrats announcing they won't re-run for office are BIG happenings. It's setting things up for a constitutional path to correcting the big lie.

Realistically, we wouldn't even want Trump back in office until 2023 so it doesn't count as a full term. This would let him get reinstated and still run again in 2024.

bigtimepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can always tell when Elon has smoked a big blunt because he let's his true libertarian self out.

bigtimepie 25 points ago +25 / -0

I was hoping we would skip this part of the movie... :'(

My soul is filled with anguish when I see the little ones suffering and dying because of satanic governments and ignorant parents... please Lord minimize the damage as much as possible.

bigtimepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's fairly common for new companies to develop and release their app on Apple before Google. The play store app will probably be released soon after.

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Replace Democrats with "corrupt politicians" and this is correct.

They don't care what party wins, as long as the politician is bought and paid for. They place their puppets in both parties to maintain the façade of fair elections.

bigtimepie 2 points ago +2 / -0


an individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution

Example: A hybrid created through fusion of a sperm and an egg from different species is a chimera.

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just copy the bottom left image to the bottom right, and add "Yes." That would pretty much convey how I feel about it all.

I like Trump but he's not perfect, and we're not sheep. Take the good with the bad and use your own brain to form your opinions and make your decisions.

bigtimepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

The amount of politicians not seeking re-election is unprecedented. This alone is proof that big things are happening behind the scenes.

bigtimepie 12 points ago +13 / -1

It's definitely China (it's not just China, though)

China was on the path of practically owning the entire west, both politically (long-term infiltration, buying corrupt officials), culturally (buying corrupt executives, media censorship, open borders) and geographically (buying up land).

Trump started pushing back on their plans and squeezing their money supply and they released a virus on the world for purpose of stealing the election and hindering the mobility and organization efforts of the patriot movement.

We have seen progress on all these fronts since Trump left office, showing that he put plans in motion to combat the enemy.

  • Politically: a suspicious amount of corrupt officials "resigning" and not seeking re-election; some being charged with sex crimes
  • Culturally: a large amount of executive resignations, mass awakening to censorship, TRUTH social coming soon
  • Geographically: Evergrande, China's real estate development arm, defaulting on its debt (it will lose it's assets, if they haven't been seized already via Trumps EOs on election interference)

Still a long way to go though.

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Turns out it's all politicians, i for one am shocked.

bigtimepie 8 points ago +8 / -0

I believe there are people who believe that they are atheists. But they live their lives in worship of something that, in practice, becomes their deity, whether they profess it or not.

Edit: to be clear, I have nothing against anyone for their beliefs, atheist or otherwise. Actions speak louder than beliefs and I measure people accordingly. Also, I knew this post would be controversial, and I enjoy the debate because it helps all involved think outside their respective boxes. Cheers!

bigtimepie 15 points ago +17 / -2

I don't believe in atheists. Everyone worships something, consciously or unconsciously.

When you are close to someone, it is generally quite evident who or what they worship in the decisions they make and how those decisions affect themselves and others around them.

bigtimepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jehova was a spirit that now dwells in the immortal body of Jesus.

God is more than this, as God is the Father (the God to whom Jesus prayed), the Son (Jesus/Jehova), and also the Holy Ghost. God ("Elohim") is a plural word. Ponder on Genesis 1:26 for a bit!

bigtimepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christmas is also a secular holiday, just look at any government calendar, it's on there. Merry Checkmate!

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gavin Belson Signature Box

All their fiction is based on reality it seems.

bigtimepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get extremely angry when I'm remember the dropping dead in Wuhan narrative, and then I get angrier when people don't realize how obvious of a psyop it was to jump start a fake pandemic for political reasons.

bigtimepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Insanely good interview with several bombshells throughout.

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