bublet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pagans acting like they're the cool kids are not the same as possessed demons.

bublet 4 points ago +4 / -0

What campaign? It's just a press tour for the 1% of morons who think they matter.

bublet 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are there to satisfy insurance requirements and provide the illusion of watchfulness. Please take your position seriously for your own mental well-being but don't risk your health or safety for entities who will toss you aside. The cameras are there for forensics, not prevention. If something isn't caught, it will come down on their heads and not yours, only then will something be done.

bublet 4 points ago +4 / -0

And they all bought them within a one income household as a postal worker and retirement at 62.

bublet 4 points ago +4 / -0

And its corollary, consider that who or what you're told to fear may actually be your best friend (except for what you know to be evil, of course).

bublet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Team Trump is an organization with GEOTUS as the face, spokesman, and leader. Il Donaldo is the voice of the organization. The organization consists of the smartest and most capable people on Earth. They are always right, firmly in control, and always on target. Boss Man's posts are there to give the hens something to cluck about. Enjoy the movie.

bublet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm avoiding all of big beer (inBev). It's not easy. I'm left with Moosehead for Canadian ( I really miss my Molson), and Yuengling for Domestic. A replacement for Corona has been tough. Aldi's Corona lookalike is pretty good. The other Mexican or Spanish beers I've tried are just okay.

bublet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Refuse to participate. We win when we ignore clown world and just live our lives. There are very few on the Left. Their numbers are inflated by noisiness and bots. You can't be shamed into submission if you respond with 'whatever' and walk away. Don't play in the sewer. Do not ever use a television as a source of news, not even to see what the other side is thinking. FB and commentary on mainstream sites is mostly bots. Nasty bots, idiot bots, product-promoting shill bots, handshake 'you're wonderful' bots. Don't read or reply to anything outside of your immediate circle of friends. Hell, half of this site is bots or glowies designed to shake you up or steer you toward acting out.

bublet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take any political figure and ask how things would fare if they were tasked with managing a Walmart. The store would have no employees left, have no stock, or looted within two weeks.

bublet 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see it as a mafia/organized crime coup. The aim has been to fleece the treasury but they ran out of available specie money a while ago so they're just stealing fake fiat money. The leftist tropes and headlines are a smokescreen and diversion to force social programs and giant spending on nothing for the sake of graft and corruption. It's all fake money that can be disappeared in an instant so don't get too hung up on it. Enjoy the movie. The ending has already been written, shot, and in the can.

bublet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing unusual. We've probably had ten small quakes from the same area since the 80's. They usually blame fracking.

bublet 3 points ago +4 / -1

The sheep will like who they're told to like. It's an average song that would get no traction in the real world, same as the controversial big hit from whatshisname a few weeks ago. Trust no one and assume it's all fake and gay until proven otherwise.

bublet 5 points ago +5 / -0

FB posts and commentary from anything outside your small circle of friends are populated by bots. Handshake "you're wonderful" bots, hostile bots, promote a particular product bots, and especially stupid comment bots. As dumb as the average schmuck is, you never have a conversation with a real person that's as low-IQ as a typical FB thread. Tiktok commentary is real and from real people. It's obvious which one is manipulated.

bublet 7 points ago +7 / -0

I quietly make boingy noises, ambulance sounds, and fucked in the head retard noises when I pass them.

bublet 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's media-induced fear and the social inbreeding born of avoiding anyone outside of their limited social circle. They're afraid of being taken out by the invisible filth carried by all the dirty people that are everywhere. I love how they carry their self-righteousness as being proud to protect others while being so weak and vulnerable that they need to be afraid of those they wish to protect.

bublet -1 points ago +1 / -2

Modelo is still InBev. Same with Corona and Dos Equs. The only Independent Mexican beer I can find is Pacifico.

bublet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Going to be hard to give up Molson. Moosehead for Canadian, Yuengling for American, Pacifico for Mexican, Hofbrauhaus for German, who knows what for Belgian. Australian and Japanese beers seem to be unaffected. Of course local beers whenever possible. when I travel I always try to bring home some local brews.

bublet 1 point ago +2 / -1

Except for that funny smell from the West, Auschwitz was a nice place to raise a family.

bublet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Celebrating the achievements of the White man is a big tent, there's room for all.

bublet 3 points ago +3 / -0

None of these people ever enter my life. Why should they enter yours? I hear something about those half-wits on The View every day, our media must constitute half their viewership.

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