cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump's platform is TruthSocial. Project Truth would be on brand.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep it up! If you've donated recently, call and demand a refund, saying you were donating to support James O'Keefe.

cara_c 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've felt it and believed it, but I'm impatient to see it.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

We had plenty of evidence Obama wasn't a natural born citizen. The many challenges to his eligibility kept getting thrown out in court, often due to the plaintiff's lack of standing. That includes a case brought by Alan Keyes, who, as a presidential candidate, was specifically harmed and should have been considered to have standing.

cara_c 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think it's that surprising that many people chose to take the clot shot in spite of warnings from their awakened loved ones. Most of us aren't doctors. Our theories sounded way out there to them.

Their doctors, our "reputable" medical agencies, the media, the president - all the authorities who should know what they're talking about - not to mention, almost everyone around them - were telling them the vaccine was safe, would protect them, and also save the lives of others.

It is hard to change someone's foundational beliefs. It generally takes either time and a continuing stream of evidence or a major, life-altering event. The people pushing this genocide depended on being able to get billions of people vaxxed before the alarm bells started going off.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's true. But even in the circumstances where they're useful, modern medicine doesn't seek out more natural cures that could do the same thing, but better and with fewer side effects.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the past, we ate plenty of carbs and didn't develop type 2 diabetes. "Give us this day our daily bread" indicates that bread has long been a staple. The food supply is screwed up and/or other things in our environment (some theories are: too much exposure to blue light or antibiotics destroying our healthy gut bacteria, etc.) is causing us to develop chronic illnesses from things that used to be nourishing.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it was pretty clear that NooneFor2024!!'s post was referring to the TOXIC chemicals that are now in many things we use, from household cleaning products to shampoos and moisturizers to pots, pans, mattresses, clothing, foods, beverages, medicines, and more.

Apparently, this is by design. It's not because the powers that be don't know better, but because they want to harm us, weakening us in our prime and eventually making us sick and driving us into the arms of Big Medicine and Big Pharma so they can drain our savings before we die.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if that number includes people who worked for others, such as housekeepers, nannies, or cooks, not necessarily as employees, but as what we'd consider today to be independent contractors.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unless they kill him, James will have the last word. And if they do kill him, he'll still have the last word. If they make him a martyr, it will backfire on them. Project Veritas has spent the last several years building a team of brave undercover journalists who know they're working to expose some of the most corrupt people on earth. Certainly some of them would rise to the challenge and carry on his mission.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, James is a fighter so I'm sure he'll do what he can. But his work has raised big bucks for Project Veritas over the years, so if he is being ousted by hostile forces, he won't have access to these resources.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

Journalism involves reporting and broadcasting the news. The truck outside Pfizer was an impactful way of getting an important story out that the mainstream media was hiding from the people.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

Under his watch, Twitter allowed pedophile-friendly posts, some quite disturbing, and banned the people complaining about them.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want the files, too. But assuming the expert had to visit in person for some reason, rather than just working on the files they could access remotely, one would anticipate that they'd have some work to do after arriving.

cara_c 6 points ago +7 / -1

A few more walkable cities where everything is convenient, for those who would like to live that way, is a great idea.

But ghettos created by the NWO to trap us in districts to be controlled is reminiscent of The Hunger Games.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree. These people didn't believe the authorities in media, government, medicine, worldwide, would lie to them about the dangers of COVID or the vaccines. They were convinced they were saving themselves and others, and those who weren't going along with it were believing crazy conspiracy theories and not caring if they put others in harm's way. They were preyed on evil people, terrorized to lower their rational response, and subjected to one of the biggest psyops ever pushed on us.

While that is certainly dysfunctional, it's more naivete than evil. Many of these people could not comprehend that so many people in power would go along with it if it weren't true, and they didn't realize the extent to which the media and social media were controlled by the same people pushing the psyop.

That's very different from raping and torturing children for fun.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the media is obsessed in lockstep over something that doesn't seem like it's deserving of such obsession, while ignoring more important happenings and information, you can be sure it's propaganda. A Chinese balloon with an uncertain mission deserves mention, but the media wanted us thinking and talking about it out of proportion to what was currently known about it.

cara_c 10 points ago +10 / -0

Normal people don't do these things because they have no DESIRE to, because they think raping chidren is revolting, not because they don't get to do it.

Normal people in power don't necessarily abuse their power. But psychopaths are more likely to rise to positions of power because they have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get and stay there, whereas normal people aren't that ruthless because they have empathy and a conscience.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope he has some serious protection.

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