Like Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick), Hunting Season (w/Peter Fonda), The Most Dangerous Game, etc., a tenet of the secret societies' Satanic worship seem to be that you must tell the sheeple what is actually going on. Projection is similar--accuse your opponent of what you are doing. This and their symbolism will be their downfall.
An F-15 crashed near Okinawa on June 10, 2018. (There are no coincidences.) When I worked at MDC over 40 years ago, they were testing F-15s to go ballistic and to see if they were capable of intercepting missiles with their weapons systems.
It is not a game, but game theory is what's at play here. Rather than a clear win-loss, often the best solution to a conflict is tie or a strategic retreat. Think chess. Many past events have not been resolved. Meanwhile, the GA is happening.
Powerful picture. We need more of this.