cee8hooz 3 points ago +4 / -1

Foreigner too. Polish anon from GMT+2 timezone (currently government imbeciles still continue those silly winter-summer time nonsense...)

Midnight US time meaning NY time GMT-4 or Commiefornia time GMT-7 ?

Because you know - I guess you are not from Alaska (GMT-8) or Hawaii (GMT-10).

Intervals are better to check: from-to. When she ends would be the key too. Patterns are important anon. Very important.

All people have to sleep.All. Midnight to 6 AM / or 2AM to 4AM at worst - are sleeping window for the most.

Thing also to consider : paid shill or not.

Definitely area from Europe to China/Russia, Middle or Eastern Europe (Germany or east from Germany) to China.

As for me your midnight is 6 AM it is too early for the paid shill doing job in the office. Offices start rather at 7 AM. If I would bet paid shill I would bet on:

-Ukraine (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ -Israel (GMT+3) -> 7.00 AM+ If it is NY Western Europe too to be considered if that is more near to Commiefornia time, so it is crucial to consider what time it is for you.

Or it may be some Chinese after work - so hers 14.00 suits a bit too: GMT+8 ->14.00+ (2.00 PM) to 16.00/17.00

If she is doing it in leisure time - bingo, it may be Chinese one. If it is paid shill most probably from central Europe to Kazakhstan, most probably Israel or Ukraine.

Person from western europe not being unemployed would go to job on those hours probably.

I wouldn't ask you for your exact timezone as all we know about leftists and cabal scums from USA looking carefully at GA to get us personally, just calculate it all.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is looking like that would take quite long however. Not so nice, I would like it this autumn. But not always we could get what we wish so...

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely psyop.definitely it is taking soooo long. But still the question : Whose psyop ! But quite optimistic - hey, we are still alive,we are fucking still alive and relatively free - and tyrants are still not winning yet - so thank God, and have hope in Q,maybe everything will somehow end well.

Yes,small "victories"/victories are not as meaningful as final victory would only be. But there are some small ones.Nevertheless ARE it seems...

If not - well being prepared remains unchanged and untill it would be near certain death it is ok. Hoping we wouldn't need to wait 2025, After next week if storm with economic collapse comes - it is all ok. May come earlier of course,but taking monthly salary would be nice for me ;) [but children being safe and all of us being safe from cabal scums - this is much MORE important,so I wouldn't be angry at all if they start all earlier] So: Awaiting the storm & Ready for action.

God bless you all anons.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Surovkin and his deputy being traitors ? Don't make me laughing, hard to believe it.

Thing is Shoigu and Gerasimov fucked up what they were able,and Surovkin were the guy who cleaned the mess in Syria. He did it violent, he is giving no quarter and no mercy for the enemies of course,but war is violent and using extreme violence could in fact save lives by breaking enemy morale. Surovkin is ruthless like Star Wars Thrawn or Tarkin - but seems same way very talented commander too.

Maybe you wouldn't like such leaders in US army and in any state having democracy but definitely you would want such guy on your side when you would be losing any war.

In the same time:

Shoigu is even kind of asian (maybe even "Chinese") - he is from republic of Tuva being in fact Russian part of Mongolia (Russia is FEDERATION). And you know,that MSM were calling that next candidate for defence minister after Shoigu should be from Tuva again ?

And why were Surovkin so quickly dissmissed to make Gerasimov return before he did anything ? Oligarchs my frogs,oligarchs and their fingers in it. Shoigu rise were under Jeltzin not under Putin.

I would believe rather Putin being dead or traitor serving the cabal,than Surovkin being traitor. Man who dismantled cabal operation in Syria shouldn't be in cabal's pocket, they would rather kill him.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well I am from Poland and I have to explain this thing.

First of all - we have many brainwashed normies and Russia as both successor of USSR (fucking Commie Soviet Union !) and former occupant is quite hated here from generations.Also this anti-russian hate is taught from years in schools,in media etc. Big part of this all hate towards Russia is so quite historically justified (unless those history is mostly propaganda ? who knows after all what happened last years...) And mainstream media support this and sow scare that "if nazi UPAine will fall we would be next" blah blah blah. (In the same time they claim we are safe because of being in NATO - despite sending majority of military equipment to UPAine)

Second of all: "Afera Podkarpacka" - rulling Law and Justice party leaders are essentially JEWISH PEDOPHILES like the rest of the scum we are fighting, but thing is those scums in Poland fucked Ukrainian minor girls in brothel controlled by Ukrainian intelligence - and now Ukrainians have videotapes. So this traitors would do EVERYTHING for Ukraine,and make this hysteria even stronger. https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/o-co-chodzi-w-aferze-podkarpackiej/2rflhtl https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/news-nowe-fakty-w-sprawie-afery-podkarpackiej-to-nie-cygan-pisal-,nId,6525462

Tip of the iceberg. In hiding of those things are involved Polish "intelligence agencies" (which are "legalized criminal" arm of political parties from a long time)

Third thing: If I would ever try to say the truth outside the net to people whose reaction am not sure about I would risk being arrested and persecuted or just lynched by some normie. They made laws so harsh like with covid times or even harsher - fine or up to 2 years of prison for "supporting russian agression" , and there are fewer people noticing it is in fact bunch of lies and tyranny like with covid.

People which are against supporting nazi UPAine are very afraid to speak publically. More afraid than in case of covid, we are where Australia & Canada were about Covid scam and propaganda.

Trying to do some redpilling in the net anyway, not so easy though.

@hope4gaia is wrong so: It is fear of criminals from our part of cabal about being exposed and hate towards Russians learned and enforced in schools and MSM from childhood - by common people (strengthened greatly by current MSM propaganda)

PS: They claim those radiation peaks are at natural levels. Were not of course - something big happened,but 2 days ago,no further radiation peaks, and so maybe no risk of severe radiation disease I think - unless the data they show is completely fake or ground is spoiled. Better not...

By the way: why Russian version of those UMCS university site ?

cee8hooz 8 points ago +8 / -0

Making them know Is/was our job,and we don't do it properly

cee8hooz 0 points ago +1 / -1

Please, say it when it will be - no next "just around the corner" datefagging with nothing at the end...

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite good,but forcing leftists to actually WORK,and clean their own mess would be more painful for them than death. Of course I know USA have 8th amendment,but those fuckers are against 1st and 2nd,and...

Clearly most of them are welfare queens or quite rich and spoiled - and never faced work harder than making some coffee in bar. So that is perfect solution,to force those stupid kids to grow up.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beginning from cleaning mess they created ? Yes.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those people are lost, and quite frankly I wish God would take them off the Earth

I wish that wouldn't happen before the storm. After ? Well, depends if their choices were or would be deadly for them. But first they shall see thing they consider probably worse than death - world proving them wrong and us being right whole time.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

The best is this woman notices her husband post were just removed for nothing and only repost it instead of asking "WHAT THE FUCK" ? Next thing is people there are not asking "WHAT THE FUCK". Fighting against forum raiding is one thing, censoring clear other side's view is another. Of course those reddit propaganda sub is doing that second thing from a looooooong time.Looooooong time...

If her Husband is here: fren,show her this,and fucking ask her WHY your post were removed. Or if it is all redpill - heh,good job.

Or maybe we shall ask those moderator of those reddit shit who has account here why it was removed and isn't he sure she isn't just trolling them ? I forgot the nickname...

By the way, clearly and simply I hope storm is near,and those who believe in those reddit shit would be astonished and ashamed (but: hope not dying because of the jab) and but those who still create and support those cabal propaganda - especially moderators - would be checked toughly by the military during the storm,and if they committed any crimes - rotten apples to rotten apples nothing less.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

You shall factcheck the factcheckers my elder fren and tell the results to your woke daughter :) Of course deprogramming would NOT be so easy, probably more steps would be required - but this is the very first thing you shall do.

First thing you have to do is to unmask "fact checkers" - and you can do it so by checking their funding and affiliations for example.

cee8hooz 5 points ago +7 / -2

You are right,the only dangerous possibility in this would be Trump and Q being their larp, as he rather isn't - so looks they lost.

But bruh,we shall know it long ago - the only situation where they would be able to win would be Trump on their side and Q their psyop against us. No other possibility they would win this with us awakened.

What is really not so important at all even now - what IS important is how many normies are redpilled now and how many are not. That's the key to the storm comming or not comming I think.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually you missed the fact,that plan or not - money from central bank being centre of THEIR economic power are not so sure thing,and we don't know how long doing the plan - even if plan still works - will take too. Currently we have hyperinflation everywhere - and it is growing.

There is no guarantee that old FED dollar would be still honoured at the end. More - devaluation or abandoning current dollar would lead to not paying all "debts" to (for example) China and to destroying cabal assets with not so big coeternal damage to normal people - especially if those people would be prepared earlier.

Also those who would not would be simply most brainwashed ones so their eventual suffering would lead to their awakening after meeting with harsh reality - or their demise. Cruel,but it is war,and wars are cruel,so why care about those ones who are asset to the enemy ? Most of them are so "vaxxed" they would die sooner or later anyway.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well is the plan working or not doing nothing would cause only us to appear weak when we are in fact strong. It would make our enemies more cheeky and impertinent. So indeed for now we shall do nothing.Let them try more openly try to incite WW3 and civil war, so openly that even idiot would see it. Let them unmask themselves.Let them believe they are winning.Tactics:

"Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes”. That's precisely it.

We cannot win by doing what they want.We of course can lose by doing nothing too,but until they not come for the people still it isn't looking like self defence.

I begun on GA with that,and now I repeat: Prepare,prepare,prepare but do nothing. Like January 6 it is obvious bait.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Easy question:

How long more (no exact info required) and if still more than 1 year then 3 more things:

-operation is still going: bigger external confirmation required -information what we are doing wrong: required, -direct orders for digital soldiers (repeating it?) to make things working: required.

by BQnita
cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry I not answered in earlier time.

First - your answer was too looking like some MSM-believing soyboy idiot. Second - of course under Trump and Patriots china being stronger is impossible. But under those traitors ?

and can’t even invade Taiwan with China Joe

Can,thing is if I am correct "scare event" might be exactly THIS. China invading Taiwan with NATO weapons "supplied to Jew-kraine".

by BQnita
cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

China has the Malacca Dilemma and the only reason why we are in the Middle East is to protect their only real source of oil since they have no real Navy designed to protect their shipping lanes

Bad news for you: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/16/asia/china-navy-fleet-size-history-victory-intl-hnk-ml/index.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/11/10/yes-the-chinese-navy-has-more-ships-than-the-us-navy-but-its-got-far-fewer-missiles/

The problem is war where the country is not directly engaged is great market for making big military-industrial complex from almost nothing,so yes - there will be missiles soon too... See your own American history at the beginning of XX century.

by PepeSee
cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

now at least ? really ? All right. Up and ready.

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