ceegeegee 11 points ago +11 / -0

I was listening to this when he broke it. Poor Dan. You can tell he feels, hurt, betrayed by the whole thing because it was such a point of pride for him in his life.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

My brother had an MI last fall. One stent. He had a high lipid panel and has for a long time. He hated the statins b/c of the side effects. He pivoted hard in his diet and lost 30 lbs. His lipids are all now normal.

Nonetheless, they still keep pushing it under the guise of "protocol." He has challenged them on it and has held firm. Proud of him.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it is entirely plausible it is Hillary. Hulk Hogan at the RNC with the "Let's get ready to rumble!" themes. Circles back to where it all began. Plus the delta that started it all I October (Red October/October surprises?)

ceegeegee 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have to wonder how many rank and file Ds this will push to RFK Jr. I was driving on 101 in SF yesterday and there were people on the overpass with Kennedy signs, waving - this is KH's home turf.

ceegeegee 1 point ago +2 / -1

I caught the Tucker Carlson interview with John Rich which I think has gotten lost in the whiplash of events. His song 'Revelation' dropped the day before the assassination attempt.

(If you haven't seen it, good song. https://youtu.be/Yk6YPFCUaqA?si=H1GMD6PM2-jwDne-)

ceegeegee 1 point ago +1 / -0

She was a fighter though ' I admired her tenacity with regards to her cancer.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

It always amazes me that there is a certain segment of teachers who refuse to be adults. My friend has a sister who used to teach and she was the one who clued me in on this. She would say "I love my sister- but I don't care what Johnny and Susie are doing this week." Yeah, we all talk about work, but I got the impression that it was a little too involved in terms of being gossipy. Rather than leading by example, they try to be peers in an attempt to relate , and that is not the job. I am not advocating for a return to slapping kids upside the head - that is a different problem of leading through fear, butI think that is really the missing element. A lack of leadership by example for the students.

When I was a senior in HS, one semester I had the local Democratic mayor who taught government. Nice guy but would go off on rants about the GOP. The next semester I had Mrs. B. Mrs. B played devil's advocate and never revealed her personal beliefs. At the end of the semester, I remember the class trying to get her to say who she was 'for". She just smiled serenely. She was the better teacher.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

BB on Badlands touched on this yesterday - that the media outlets have been siloed, which is why they are so discombobulated. No 4am talking points.

When the news first broke one of the first things that came to me was that they were looking for an excuse to talk about guns and to tamp down on the rallies because "safety". And I think you are right, they had the scripts ready right go. Too bad these people suck at improv.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has been my issue with severe TDS patients- how can you hate a guy that much whom you have never met?

(And I try to keep myself in check on that as well when I find my ranting getting out of control. We are all susceptible to it.)

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

The dates of Bastille Day (7/13 here, 7/14 there) reminded me of a tweet Eric Trump posted earlier - he was basically crediting his mother for being his father's guardian angel. I did not realize that today is the second anniversary of her death. If 7/14 is indeed the Freemasonry Day, did Ivana fall? Or was she pushed?

She was supposedly frail, but I don't know about that. She was an athlete when she was younger and she was 73, not 93. I have zero proof. Only a silver headpiece. But would it be so surprising for the enemy to strike out at the mother of your children? Few days ago, I saw an interview with Ivanka and the topic of her mother came up and you can tell it still upsets her a lot.

ceegeegee 9 points ago +9 / -0

Dawn is here again.

Dark to light?

ceegeegee 9 points ago +9 / -0


ceegeegee 15 points ago +15 / -0

No accident the parent company name changed to Alphabet.

ceegeegee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that it is the women that make it unlikely. I did see where the sister was a twin. Which I did not know, but it just seems even more unlikely.

ceegeegee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when they found the luggage tag with the sister's business card. Which when you think about it is quite the needle in the haystack of an ocean to find. That said, though, it is hard to see how you could get her family to buy in.

I assume they are dead. But. On July 16th - right in the middle if the GOP convention- is the 25th anniversary of the plane crash. It would be wild.

ceegeegee 7 points ago +7 / -0

They have nine-year old twins.

That's effed up.

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