citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

All very good points. It's also why I don't really bother with the topic. Thanks for the reply.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

I highly doubt it. From one of my recent comments, slightly edited:

A lot of people on this board are delusional about what China and Xi are thinking.

Xi has really been amping up the aggression and he wants to be emperor. He's so insane that he wants to deploy a new round of biological weapons. This very board was talking about the hemorrhagic fever barely two weeks ago.

Now, while Xi is not a particularly good friend of the NWO (other elements within his government who have fallen out of favor are, or were), he is certainly no friend to America either. More importantly he is completely open with cooperating with the NWO because he believes he can defeat them later.

Although he appears 'nationalist', really he is a self-interested man who cares nothing for his people. Social credit, organ harvesting, random lockdowns after they themselves released viruses upon their own people... do people just forget about why and how China is a communist state?

citrouille 5 points ago +5 / -0

This thread is delusional about what China and Xi are thinking.

Xi has really been amping up the aggression and he wants to be emperor. He's so insane that he wants to deploy a new round of biological weapons. This very board was talking about the hemorrhagic fever barely a week ago.

Although he appears 'nationalist', really he is a self-interested man who cares nothing for his people. Social credit, organ harvesting, random lockdowns after they themselves released viruses upon their own people... do people just forget about why and how China is a communist state?

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, what I heard (over two years ago now?) was that covid was supposed to kill off the elderly domestically for China and alleviate their financial troubles when it came to pension funds. This was in addition to helping China take over Hong Kong via lockdowns and damage the world economically. Does that make more sense? I certainly think it's a better theory.

citrouille 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mine as well. But I think Taiwan will stand strong, they've been preparing for an invasion by China for decades and decades.

China is the one that will fold first if they try to invade Taiwan. They have to resort to underhanded tactics to do anything.

citrouille 8 points ago +8 / -0

Now while I do agree with you on this probably being as good as a 4chan greentext, I learned cursive as a kid in school and I'm not that old. They probably do still teach cursive these days.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Miles Guo is actually a double agent for Xi. He is not to be trusted except in that light.

I am still unsure on Xi's position as a white or black hat. Bannon has apparently distanced himself from Miles Guo as of late.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think we particularly disagree, but I see no reason personally to enshrine the philosophy of people who are against God. Let the disciples of the atheists do what they will, but always rebuke them in the open squares with reason, lest the common people be swayed by falsehoods. To that end, we should be well-informed of historical and modern heresies, such that we are amply prepared when we are called upon to defend the faith.

I am not so sure that the reason you cited was the fundamental reason that the right 'lost' the culture war in the 60s. Communist infiltration of western institutions was already ongoing by then.

TLDR: I don't think people like Sagan should be censored - far from it, but I don't think it's the place of the church to teach about secular anti-church ideas or keep a record of them except as a topic for apologia and a warning to future generations. If Sagan did any valuable scientific work, let the scientists revere him as they wish.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. I don't much like him because I find the positions he took were a bit egotistical and don't stand up to scrutiny, but I feel that way about most modern intellectuals. It has nothing inherently to do with the fact he was an atheist, although many atheists have these tendencies.

I don't necessarily agree that 'love thine enemy' should be applied to people's legacies, however. Should we accord respect to enemies of God? We can consider his ideas in order to soundly refute them, certainly, but I don't think putting him on a pedestal or smearing him is the right call. He was just a regular guy, same as us. My review of him remains the same whether he is alive or dead.

citrouille 7 points ago +8 / -1

He was an atheist who vehemently opposed intelligent design and almost wished for extraterrestrial life and the insignificance of humanity without any actual evidence that either was necessarily the case.

I don't think he should be disrespected, but neither should he be given particular credence. It depends on the topic he's speaking about.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

I looked into it briefly and couldn't find for the life of me why they were banned. This is extremely strange.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not a video, it's a picture. A screenshot of a video.

citrouille 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sharply observed. Explains the recent wave of anti-Don shilling and general pollution of the board lately.

citrouille 33 points ago +33 / -0

It had to be this way.

I see an influx of shills every day on this board. Trying to turn us against people that we know are good through emotion and misinformation. It is important more than anything for us to have faith in God and fight the spiritual war through prayer. We must orient ourselves and have peace with the Holy Spirit in order to survive in this hostile world.

From the Art of War, there is an adage: "A general in wartime is not bound by orders from his sovereign." Although they are fighting for us, the white hats engaged in warfare cannot afford to listen to whatever we think is the right thing to do; we must trust them to make the necessary decisions that will lead to victory, then deal with the consequences after that.

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disrespect handshakes just for having a handshake personally (after all I was one for a long time by virtue of being a lurker) but I do think they shouldn't be one-topic posters and instead engage widely, otherwise they risk being indistinguishable from actual shills.

citrouille 5 points ago +5 / -0

Whatever apparent friendship Russia has with China is temporary at best. A rumor I heard through the Chinese grapevine is that Xi Jinping wants to genocide Mongolia because of its strategic location re: missiles and so forth. As such Mongolia has allied with Russia, who will inevitably oppose China once there is cause for open conflict.

It was the same way in the 1950s and 60s. Russia appeared to be cozy with China but it never lasted.

citrouille 9 points ago +10 / -1

God, I sure hope so. Please rescue Canada out of the clutches of atheistic liberalism.

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