citrouille 2 points ago +3 / -1

OP isn't wrong, but maybe you should stop shilling so obviously

Edit: I'm not going to respond to the guy's response because per JIDF guidelines replies generate income for him but he's a single-topic account in a wave of recent single-topic accounts intended to incite anti-Jew sentiment. I'm not saying people can't criticize Jews or Israel (there's plenty to criticize there) but this is such obvious astroturfing I always feel obligated to call it out.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rice, raw egg, and seasoning (soy sauce, plus natto or furikake or whatever) - tamago kake gohan. It's a very quick meal you can make and eat whenever you have rice available, and personally I think it tastes great :)

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's Momiji from Touhou, she's not a chicken :)



(She got associated with El Donaldo because of 4chan and her red hat)

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

This book presented a simple and down-to-earth argument (for me anyway) that the KJV is the most convincing English version of the Bible.


citrouille 10 points ago +10 / -0

I personally noticed that as soon as the Donald trashed Bannon on twitter! No way he would actually break with a proven loyalist like that. I took a look at what Bannon went on to pursue and understood immediately.

citrouille 10 points ago +10 / -0

HCQ is perfectly serviceable as well (my mother got our whole family a stock of HCQ and we've been taking it throughout the pandemic as a preventative alongside C/D/Zinc) but IVM is more of a miracle drug and has even fewer side effects. It is therefore understandable that IVM is more widely talked about.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, I'm not American. I'm just interested in learning more about actual politics and how to stay safe during this disaster spiral. Even if I took everything you said at face value, you provide no solutions and just sound like you're trying to stir shit up. (Actually I'm not white either, though I am Christian.)

You didn't even answer my question. You can always say they play both sides but that doesn't address my question in a concrete way. They let Bush have two terms, why not Trump?


Oldest government ruse is to hold out hope but never satisfy

I know that already, man. Are you just trying to blackpill people? Why do you sound like a JDL shill trying to plant material? Not that I disagree entirely with your sentiment but you simply don't sound real.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy in the thread didn't seem to respond to an early post asking for proof. Interesting theory but it's just a good LARP if there's no evidence. Also if Donald is 'kiked' why didn't they just put him in for a second term? Why didn't they start a war in the ME?

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, but in those cases the intent is always quite clear... it's just that the outcome is never what they expect.

Edit: I should note that I mean Q in general, not the fact that leftist media mentions Q a lot. I think that's just them being stupid and not understanding how the internet works.

citrouille 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, there would've been a great many other ways to do it besides outing themselves as satanic pedophiles.

citrouille 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can also tell them that you know about jury nullification

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's quite anti-COVID vaccine and the article is from his own substack lmao

He was the dude who made the presentation during the FDA's open call that the FDA wouldn't respond to

He also founded the Covid Early Treatment Fund which lists all the well-known protocols for prophylaxis and treatment (e.g. ivermectin, hcq, quercetin + CDzinc etc)

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

I looked myself, the numbers seem to be correct for the most part. You gotta select all COVID vaccines in the lookup - there's four of them in total.

citrouille 10 points ago +11 / -1

Hey man, I think catsfive is just trigger-happy when it comes to stickies. He is far from perfect but he does it for free and tries his best for the most part.

citrouille 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is true, even though in my opinion Trump is a good guy people should be able to ask whether he is or not (as long as they respect the written and unwritten laws of this forum).

citrouille 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, the reviewer of that link seems to be a reasonable man and he is also in the KJV Only camp. Maybe you could take a look if he had anything he wrote. To be honest I am not really familiar with the best and most well-known books on the subject, but I did find this:


This seems quite down-to-earth and easy to understand as a resource on why we should use the KJV. As for evidence of corruption on new bible committees though I think you would have to look elsewhere for research.

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