Why is it their worst idea?
The problem we see is infiltration. Seriously, the head Republican was just removed in Michigan because they were secretly working to get some Democrats elected.
I don't even know who he is. And if I criticize and draw attention to it, I amplify it.
This will be worse for freedom of speech, won't it?
Those aren't just assets implanted in a group to monitor them. Those are operatives on a mission.
Contact and Stargate come to mind.
Also add the time.
Why do we need a middle man. Just release them to the public.
Except he is not for reparations.
That article doesn't even quote him on it.
It invalidates the Gateway Pundit, not RFK.
A partner on climate change with the nation that doesn't seem to care. Weird.
Thanks for taking the time to write that up for me.
What are the accusations?
That's just so weird.
We also didn't know what his tarot cards and astrological signs were the morning he chose where he chose
My comment somehow went to the wrong thread. I was replying to the emergency broadcast thread.
Why the hysteria? Just keep your phone in your car or somewhere away from you if you're worried.
The Amish around here have cell phones. They're still opposed to landlines.
I agree with you.
I just looked the first one up.
Doesn't appear to be what the pic says.
Need to make her testify under oath.
If true, they should drop all the lawsuits and go after him for this.
You also had RFK now calling out the rigged primary and talking about running as an independent.
I smoke some of your hopium. Needed some.
Wrong year for that.
Where did she deny it?
I've seen this meme, but I havent seen the sorlurce of her denying it.