djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sorry, but experienced pilots land dead center on runways the same width as the twin towers every day of the week to make a living. They can easily fly a plane into the towers, and they can easily hit the Pentagon, too. If they couldn't, planes would crash so often that no one would ever fly.

djaeveloplyse 9 points ago +9 / -0

The critical minority needed to control the direction of a society is around 30%, but that number includes the sheep that you convince to your side. You do not need to get a majority, but you do need to exceed the critical minority. However, this is really a distinction without a difference, as the mechanism and strategies for convincing the "majority" are identical to reaching the critical minority, and when people talk about the majority, they are almost always really talking about the critical minority without realizing it anyway. This is because our own critical minority is in a numbers competition with the critical minority of the opposition, each vying for a dominant 30% or higher support level. The remaining 30-40% of people who remain unconvinced by either side are non-participants and are ignored as they make no difference in the outcome. So, ultimately, you are looking for a majority of the active participants, and this is the "majority" everyone talks about.

Unfortunately, there are simply not enough morally good, intellectually honest, critical thinkers in the population for the critical minority to be reached by convincing only them. We need somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10-20 times as many sheep as there are truly awake people. This is why it is so important to convince friends and family, to get them to trust that you are their best personal thought leader on politics and world events. This is also why it is so important to not ostracize people with general agreement but specific disagreements. This is a somewhat natural process, normies defer judgement to people smarter than them all the time. What we are up against today is that social media and legacy media have hijacked this normal instinct for normies and supplanted the trust normies used to place in the smartest member of their own family for a moron on a noisy lightbox. As the thought leaders attempting to build a critical minority out of the sheep around us, we must first undermine support for the media morons, and then step into that trusted role ourselves.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Didn't someone ask Q to stop the endless chemtrails over their house? They posted a picture of their sky, full of contrails. And Q replied to them (as far as I remember simply linking to their post and saying nothing), and the next day the guy posted a new picture with a clear sky and said thanks? Can't find it because all the old q archive sites are gone and the new ones apparently suck...

Edit: Looked through the entire list of q posts, all 4966 of them, and didn't find the post I remember. I very distinctly remember the pictures and request posed to Q, but it seems I misremember that Q responded to it. In searching, I found several instances of people asking about chemtrails during Qs few Q&A sessions, but he never responded to those either. Though, he ignored dozens of questions on many topics in all of those sessions. Anyway, I eat crow on this one, my memory was incorrect.

djaeveloplyse 5 points ago +14 / -9

The important thing is clamping down when something is demonstrably wrong...like flat earthers.

Hard disagree. It is important to clamp down on evil (like pedophilia), NOT on stupidity. Clamping down on stupidity will invariably be used by evil to clamp down on good people.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dunking on the left aside, wind power is returning to cargo shipping, and wide adoption would reduce energy usage in ocean shipping by something like 30% (or much higher if shipping much slower is acceptable, which generally it wouldn't be).

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, this AI is smarter and more intellectually honest than a significant portion of the population.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your immune system will eventually identify and destroy the cells that are putting out spike proteins. Over time, less and less spike protein will be being produced.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my favorite candies ever is good old Good and Plenty. I love black (read: real) licorice, and a little sugar coating over a mild black licorice was a wonderful thing. Anyway, I hadn't had any for 15 years or something, just because I never had any reason to have candy at all, but now I have kids and they got some Good and Plenty on halloween... It tasted terrible in comparison to what I remember, didn't even really taste like licorice anymore. I looked at the ingredients and, indeed, there was no licorice in it, just a long list of chemicals. Everyone already knows that sugar is bad for you, but I bet these chemicals they're replacing the old real food ingredients with are even worse.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

That appears to be a different earthquake than in OP picture.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's like 75-100 miles away.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah but the spectrum as pushed and popularly thought of is retarded garbage made up to confuse everyone. The "freedom spectrum" is also not exactly accurate to the original meaning, but is far far closer. The original left and right "wings" were those of pre-revolutionary French parliament. They were still a monarchy at this time, and the right wing wished to preserve the "natural order" of aristocracy, and the left wing wanted to tear down the whole society in the name of "progress." The left were adherents of "progressivism," another oft misunderstood word. The right felt that hierarchy was a naturally emergent phenomenon, from which the aristocracy emerges, and that the inequity it resulted in was an acceptable price for the overall functioning of the society. The left saw inequity as proof that the system was evil, and argued that hierarchy must be abolished to attain equality. The left won that conflict by murdering their opponents, and today Europe is a cesspool of socialist nonsense where the "aristocrats" are far fewer in number and FAR wealthier compared to the common man than even back then, lol. The real "right" is a belief in the natural order, that some people will win, and some will lose, and any attempt to forcibly equalize this will result in disaster. The real "left" is a belief that inequity is evidence of evil, and all force used to correct it is just. Oversimplified, the right believes in freedom at the cost of inequity, and the left believes in equity at the cost of serfdom. So, the freedom spectrum isn't that far off.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fascism is pretty centrist, really. It's not exactly fair to consider the worst abuses by wartime fascist nations to be "what fascism is," especially considering that our constitutional republic did many of the same things during the same wars.

djaeveloplyse 4 points ago +4 / -0

When the state defends rapists and murderers from their victims, and from righteous vengeance by the survivors of the victims, then you can know certainly that the state is corrupt and must be torn down. A parent killing the rapist and murderer of their child is not a murder, it is justice.

djaeveloplyse 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think it's a bit early to draw this conclusion. Game theory dictates that you only push a bit past the line, then wait for the outrage to die down, then push a bit past the new line, rinse repeat ad nauseam. There's a reason the enemy does it to the sheep all the time: it works.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still looks like a plane to me, way too big to be even a scud missile. Only missiles even close to that large would be ICBMs. I really do not understand the necessity for it to not be a plane. They used planes on the twin towers just fine, why wouldn't they use a plane on the pentagon?

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is also for plausible deniability. Sure, it only works on their media sycophants and the normies that believe them, but that's enough.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as I remember it is a summer vacation home that the queen went to as a child or something, now abandoned and basically open to the public. The queen was certainly a very shady character, but this is not good proof of anything at all. That Epstein took the trouble to go there and take a picture does justify some suspicion though.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great art often comes from a memory of the future, a prophecy. Artists both predict and create future events. This is why evil works so hard to control the art of our society. If your children are talented artists, it is doubly important to shield them from the evils of industrial schooling and to teach them the strength to not need you as a shield. Creatives are target number 1 for grooming. HOMESCHOOL.

djaeveloplyse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never heard him speak before (didn't know who he was until this drama). That dude isn't even pretending to be a woman. It's just a man wearing women's clothing, speaking in his normal voice! And everyone ELSE pretends he's a woman? Crazy.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you cannot confront the horror of the situation, you have to make up delusions to replace the truth in order to cope.

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