downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

This might actually save the white race. If women start choosing sexual partners based on their ability to be providers they're going to stop having sex with non whites. And once you're in a stable marriage the idea of having multiple kids seems more appealing.

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Antifa say they're against racism and fascism. Call the police racists and fascists. Uvalde police sit by and do nothing while a class of Hispanic children are murdered.

Zero riots. Zero protests. If that doesn't scream Deep State operation I don't know what does.

The interesting thing about this story is Antifa love to talk violence, they love to threaten and intimidate. If they're now begging the police for protection something must have happened. Something bad enough for them to call their enemies to help them. Anyone know what this something was to send Antifa running crying to Daddy Police?

downwithuppish 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is exactly the sort of thing the media will pounce on to debunk the idea he wasn't a Trump supporter. A new image needs to be made with the actual shooter showing his tattoo.

downwithuppish 4 points ago +4 / -0

But they're using these events to frame Trump as being responsible so they can declare him a threat to public safety and block him from running.

downwithuppish 8 points ago +8 / -0

Correct. The shooters tattoo of that symbol is on his neck. You can just about make out the top of it in the spacesuit photo.

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

One will be Trump. There's no way they haven't got to her and told her to implicate him. Then it will be months of speculation as to what Trump and Epstein's friendship was based on.

downwithuppish 15 points ago +15 / -0

Okay schizo time. What if the White hats are burning the plants to the ground because everything is tainted, even the workforce[illegals/foreign agents?]? Now consider the medias debunking that all of the fires were just accidents. If the DS knows their plans are being stopped they can't draw attention to it. If the media says yes the fires are suspicious and police are investigating then at some point somebody needs to be arrested and what happens then? The truth comes out. Best course is to play it all down, blame it on accidents and plot their next move.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

What things have happened under Biden that you would've expected to be completely shut down, suppressed, covered up, ignored etc?

What goes against the grain? What implies that perhaps Trump has more influence than he's letting on? Because its weird to see the Left talk about the country heading towards fascism when Biden was meant to be their saviour.

downwithuppish 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not just this, but remember Zuckerberg pumping billions into helping the election? Kamala's niece is married to one of Facebooks top executives.

A real family affair this whole election stealing business isn't it. Hey, do you think Kamala was chosen for VP because of her links to Smartmatic and Facebook? Not that Zuck would need much persuading.

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

21:56 Q: Who was Jane Roe? [D] power implosion

22:17 Q: Establishing comms.

22:44 Scavino baby fist bump

22:55 Q: Established.

23:02 Scavino: Thank you Trump

downwithuppish 9 points ago +9 / -0

Right wing

Please stop talking to our children about gay sex Please stop encouraging them to change genders Please stop forcing them to listen to demonic trannies

Alden Bunag

Aha that must mean you secretly want to fuck children.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Two possibilities. The first is this was some kind of staged event. Maybe the shooter was a patsy and someone else did the shooting or he was groomed to carry out the mission. Maybe the kids aren't dead, maybe they never existed, or maybe they all died in other circumstances. Who knows. A staged mass shooting whichever way you think it went down. So naturally the police won't want anyone finding out they were in on this hoax.

The second possibility is that the shooting was real and the police made a total farce in their response to dealing with it. Children are now dead because they failed to act. Instead of holding their hands, falling on the swords, accepting responsibility and saying 'Yes we don't deserve to wear these badges'. They're trying to cover up their own ineptitude, despite it leading to the mass murder of children, just so they can keep their jobs.

I'm not sure which one is worse.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

An air conditioning engineer would be a good job to hide cameras in someones home, right? And he was friends with Epstein. I wonder if the business was a cover and as an advisor to Clinton part of his role was spying on rivals.

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a Trump move. Asking naive questions that he probably knows the answer to.

downwithuppish 15 points ago +15 / -0

The guy who ordered it got vilified by the press. Had his name and face on the front page of the tabloids. Lost his job. Disgraceful behaviour from the press.

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't hot. Its been grey, windy and wet most of the weekend

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's a summary of the retarded liberal logic gymnastics in the comments

DeSantis is putting vulnerable people in danger

So get the vaccine then, he's not stopping you

But the vaccine was never meant to prevent Covid

So what are you complaining about then? These people aren't interested in safety they just love the authoritarian of the plandemic.

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't find a staff page on their website

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes sense. I remember when he started laughing when he was trying to sound heartfelt when talking about the El Paso shooting.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

He did say to parents your children don't belong to you when they're in school.

by BQnita
downwithuppish 5 points ago +5 / -0

That would give reason for the Border Control police being involved.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Smart. If you being asked to do this wouldn't you create a paper trail on the off chance you got made a scapegoat, so you could at least say "They made me do it"

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