eddieblasphemy 2 points ago +2 / -0

That sucks that she had really bad aba practioners. Mesiacal/physical is a function of behavior its not just all envionrmmental intervention or some psychological issue. A good aba practioner would have identified those issues early. I am an aba practioner and I am glad though that she is speaking to this issue because she is 100% correct. When I cam into the field, blaming the vaccine was not really a thing. I've seen more of a shift here but as someone "on the front lines" with this I can't wait to see actual truth and relevant medical intervention come out to help support the children and families in work with

eddieblasphemy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep in 09 it was a big idea. I was a teacher around then and the idea was floated for merit based pay based on student performance but we've already seen administrators fudge tests scores and refuse to expel students for cause to keep federal money coming so you know unscrupulous teachers would just do what they had to do to keep hitting that bonus. This isn't t sales.

Teacher training isn't a thing. You got a degree and a teachers license (not even necessary for some states) and off you go. If you thought going to school was a horrible soul crushing experience, try working in one.

eddieblasphemy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Release the names.

eddieblasphemy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trying to kill the keto diet I see.

eddieblasphemy 1 point ago +2 / -1

They're not yelling Maui. They are yelling cody because they want cody Rhodes to wrestle Roman reigns at wrestlemania. It's embarrassing that people would think this is a thing

eddieblasphemy 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy supposedly knows where all the bodies are buried keeps putting the onus of responsibility on others.

by BQnita
eddieblasphemy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Red shoes?

eddieblasphemy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe "she's" born with it. Maybe it's mental illness

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