Same. Taking a week off social media is always healthy on the brain.
This is actually pretty interesting. She claims over and over she was born a woman, but she absolutely has a male body.
One thing I have learned from detransitioners sharing their stories on YT and Twitter: taking testosterone fucks up a woman permanently. Gives them an adams apple, facial hair, deep voice, flatter chest, etc.
Is it possible she was taking hormones to improve her performance, hence all the male characteristics?
I would find it odd that she wouldn't just come out and say "I was born a male," since that would give her extra oppression points.
Unlike Michael Obama, if he came out that would cause quite a storm.
I will forever regret saying the gay marriage slippery slope was conservative fear mongering... I can admit when I was so utterly wrong it's painful.
Anyone else watch "The Substitute" and "The Substitute 2"? Great movies about a mercenary becoming an undercover teacher in inner city schools. Highly recommend.
The same argument can be made for the Hispanic community (as far as the gov't), yet the experience is wildly different.
And unfortunately, people who "fear nothing" are the most dangerous. I'd face Rocky Balboa in a fight before a black kid who was never taught about consequences.
Worst time in a theater (during The Matrix no less) was when a young black couple brought in an infant. It started screaming a half hour through. Thought "no biggie, one of them will take the baby out soon." Never happened. 15 minutes later, myself and a couple other people had complained and an usher finally came and asked them to leave.
How insanely rude is that? I get that sometimes you just need to get out, but respect your fellow man for Christ's sake.
How many Americans are on our side of the border blocking the crossing? Trudeau can't freeze their bank accounts.
They rammed the gate doing 98, I says "let the truckers roar 10-4"
Man is this an improvement over Northam.
Could this be related to the previous NH Rep that CPS went after for giving his kids Ivermectin when they got COVID? From 5 days ago:
As a previous democrat, never thought I'd say this, but SO glad I voted this state election.
Sure she just doesn't like Mark Ryden? I believe this is from "The Meat Show", which those paintings were done a long time ago.
I love Mark Ryden - his stuff is fucking weird as hell.
Smart, nice to see that from a politician.
Interesting when they choose Silverman (and others) are Jewish and when they are white.
Silverman in regards to Santa Inc.: Jewish Silverman when criticizing black woman: White
Hope everyone is taking their vitamins with winter being here.
Thanks - was finding the other link hard to find the data in laymen's terms.
You don't fuck with someone's kids...
The 1 to 10 year is as accurate as the lack of long term data for the vaccine, it's all guesses. Rest seems legit though.
And homeschooling isn't just for the religious - there are secular co-ops and groups out there as well.
Regardless, the more the better.
Great data - thanks OP
It's been quite a while since I've been proud of my state
Former employees of Twitter being degenerates? So it's not so!