energygrunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live here and you are very wrong. While its trending blue, it is home to Buckley Space Force base and has been a mix of liberal and conservative. The mayor is republican albeit a Rino. This is a very mixed city and is low income in the north and higher income in the south of the city. Its crime is half of Denver.

I'm no fan of this city, but the nearly everyone talking about how bad it is, doesn't live here.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries. I didn't think you were saying one way or another. More of a public statement on those pushing for his arrest. It may be warranted for reasons I'm not aware, but on face value, its very concerning.

energygrunt 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a slippery slope. How long before you're charged with a crime your neighbor committed because you didn't report them to the police. Be very careful when cheering these arrests.

energygrunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

First start by preventing perfectly good coal fire units from being shut down. In Colorado they have a plan to shutdown nearly 2000 megawatts in one company alone. They have already shutdown that much in the last 10 years.

What no one talks about is energy forecasts that predict states like this to be in the hole several thousand megawatts in the near future. Those forecasts do not count EV's and power hungry AI data centers.

energygrunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

yall realize the lead time on transformers is 2 years. Sadly not hard to hit us. The grid is more stretched than anytime in my career and it only gets worse by the day. Typically sept and oct is outage season as that is the lowest usage on the grid. That means they shut down plants for maintenance. Often times these units cannot come back up for weeks. That keeps the grid stressed.

Purkiss80, you have quite a bit of familiarity with vulnerable power grids. How do ya handle it down there. What steps do you take?

energygrunt 8 points ago +8 / -0

I wish people would knock of the hysteria. Aurora is a very large town. I live about a mile from these apartments. These gangs haven't taken over the city. They have taken over a few apartments. While that is a big deal in itself, (and the fact that govt is proving once again they are not here for us) its not a mass takeover of a town of 350k.

This issue has been going on for years. This is a bad area, and has been for a long time. It finally made the news. Hell, they made fun of it in South Park its so well known. It is far from the worse place I have ever been. Denver is mild when compared to other large cities. This is no inner harbor of Baltimore or downtown Detroit.

As a follower of this forum, I do raise an eyebrow at the timing of this hitting the news. Why now? Its been going on for years. Its seems to be perfectly timed for Trump. They have to know this makes Kamala look bad. Then why is the media jumping all over it.

The mayor, Mike Coffman whom Ive met several times, is a full on politician Rino. He did ask a good questions though. Who brought these people here? Who is funding them coming in? Why is Jared Polis calling this our imagination? Even after video surfaced. As always, more to the story than meets the eye.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its at colfax and nome...literally the intersection where the gangs are taking over the apartments.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

local media blurred out the "racist" signs when covering it. Cracks me up...now more people want to see what the signs actually say.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

This apartment complex is about 1/2 mile from James Holmes old apartment, its 1/4 mile from where a 150m 405 unit nearly finished apartment complex burned down late last year in a 5 alarm fire. Fire burned for 5 days Blocked Peoria for over a month while the worked on the demo.

This is off east colfax made famous in South Park. The area is home to one of the largest medical campuses in the US, Anschutz. Listening to the local radio, the local politics is getting a bit spicy. Mike Coffman is a former house rep and now the Rino mayor.

Just some extra info for yall.

energygrunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I apologize, I could not find the march anywhere in the news. Not that I expected the media to cover it, but do you have more details? crowd size, rally points etc?

energygrunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad this happened, but that seemed a bit to easy. I would guess they have a back up plan already in place.

energygrunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is the issue I have. Biden is never fully lucid lately and needs days to prep for interviews. Within 1 hour of the shooting, he is ready to talk to the press and sounds better then anytime in the last 3 weeks.

energygrunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait till you see the 5200 acre, 1.2 million panel solar farm slated for Wyoming. I'm sure nothing can go wrong.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am involved with my son in the program. While it isn't perfect, by being an adult leader I can control what my son has to deal with. They are a boy only troop, and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ at our meetings. No LGBT, no woke, etc. That said, there was talk about removing God from the program nationally. At a regionally meeting over half the people there(myself included) said that would be the final straw and they would leave the program. These are your most active volunteers. People have had enough. National jamboree had an LGBT tent. The new parents don't give me much hope. Its going downhill fast.

Its a dying program. It saddens me greatly the left destroyed something else that was truly good. Currently 700k members left, down from 2.5m pre covid. This is combined boys and girls. In the 70's there were over 4.5 million boys at a much smaller US population. Anecdotally my son's troops of over 4 decades will likely not make it through for recharter next year.

Boy Scouts is desperate for money at the moment. 1/2 their camps sold for the lawsuits. They are charging fees for everything. We are getting nickel and dimed just to volunteer. I am looking at trail life, but no troops nearby and I simply don't have the time to start one.

Not condoning the actions resulting the lawsuits, but 18000 out of 100million is a much smaller percentage than the church or schools. Their safety program is fairly good at the moment, but they will have future lawsuits. Put 15 year old boys and girls 15 feet apart and don't be surprised the outcome.

A small ramble, but I have some insight in a program that was really good in my youth, but going downhill fast for my youth.

energygrunt 6 points ago +6 / -0

My old man use to say that every spring when Greeley thawed. Smells like money. Sadly lots of money moving into weld to escape high prices of Larimer and Boulder counties. This is a developer land grab 100%.

energygrunt 2 points ago +4 / -2

I lost count of how many folks passed out while standing in formation. It happens. While it could be the vax, my money is on locked knees.

energygrunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its not open yet. Kemmerer Wyoming. SW Wyoming, just north of Evanston. A coworker just left to work for them. Terra Power. Looks like most jobs are remote at this point.

energygrunt 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like the message, but I have to agree that I am watching this guy with an abundance of caution. I'd like to believe its all legit, but I trust very few people these days.

energygrunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Purkiss...the article talked about fighting back. Can you tell us what's working? How you are staying safe? God Bless and I hope yall take your country back.

energygrunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

In my opinion it was a cash infusion into a troubled company. What better way to get away with it legally. Why would any company settle so easily for such a high amount on such a flimsy accusation.

energygrunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

It sits right next to Boulder. That's all you need to know. Shame though, both cities use to be nice 40 years ago.

energygrunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Purkiss, I apologize in advance for my ignorance. Are the English and Dutch (Afrikaners) heritage groups working together? My understanding is they don't always get along. Also, don't they Afrikaners already have separate autonomy zones or cities setup?

I pray for you. My sister in law fled Rhodesia with her family due to very similar circumstances.

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