Celebrate a religious holiday without religious symbols? Ok. So, on a longer timeframe over the course of, say, a year, act like a disciple of Christ? Be judged on our actions and the content of our character rather than our outward appearance? Got it.
Everyone else should expect the same. Game on.
I haven't followed this at all, nor the fluvoxamine debate but the qualifications he demands are odd. Kirsch seems to get high off his own farts. None of the qualifications he demands have anything to do with the ability to interpret research data.
Although it can be abused, anonymous and independent peer review is important for people to point out discrepancies between the data results and the conclusions of a research project. It's pretty common for a researcher to claim something that the data simply does not support. Anonymous peer review doesn't really require a lot of expertise in a particular field, just the ability to understand statistics and the willingness to say "the data do not support your conclusions".
Social media following? Seriously? Apparently this guy slept through the last decade where any non-matrix science dissention was shadow banned.
This pretty much encapsulates the 1970s
Let me get this Twitter fag right - Haiti had US gov installed puppets, who were then overthrown by Haitian nationals, who are now being accused of cannibalism by psyop agencies, and the the cannibal psyop gets ground through the rumor mill.
Because of this, the Twitter fag thinks this justifies censorship of news by the US gov? What kind of bull shit rationale is this?
I rarely read all replies on posts but I kept going to see if you commented further to others. You have very insightful comments. I'll try to work your approach into my discussions.
There is one point I rarely use in "Trump is racist Biden isn't" discussions because it is somewhat scorched earth. I'll point out that there is a lot of video of Biden sniffing and groping little children which is pretty perverted behavior. But the kicker is that he only does this to white children. He won't sniff little black children. Why won't Joe sniff little black children? Does that make him racist?
Hey that not all they agreed on. They think we need to give MORE MONEY to Ukraine, Israel, and Haiti. Print it out of thin air, throw it around the globe, get some gibs for them selves, and enslave you a bit more when tax time comes.
All that PLUS a tictoc ban? Those mofos are killing it.
I thought the display of tranny flags at embassies was banned. I guess the White House is exempt?