escapegoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The bridge connects 51st St to Seawolf Pkwy.

Seawolf is a nuclear submarine. Any connection to Red October?

escapegoat 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought that looked like the head of a Chinese dragon where the butterfly is the open mouth. But I also think this has many images overlaid, so it's probably both, and what you see depends on the gamut of your screen.

Has anyone tried looking at it through a red filter, or red/blue 3D glasses? That might make certain layers pop out.

escapegoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok. I'm not sure how you know, but you're persistent so I'll take your word for it. Can you help me out and explain BarBie? I must've misinterpreted.

escapegoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why am I here? You hit it on the head. Frogs make the best memes. Obviously. So where better to go to keep up with the meme war? A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets outta bed. So yeah, I defined a lie. With a lie as your carrier signal you get better coverage for your message. Many messages hide in plain sight. Spread spectrum. Look for the patterns popping outta the noise floor. Learn to see the comms.

escapegoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

You misunderstand. The facts may be false, but the MEME is real. I can see it everywhere. Learn to separate the two and you will understand. But you won't have many friends, as you know from the numbers.

MEME on Psyops! Message received.

escapegoat -1 points ago +2 / -3

But the meme is real, and that's what counts.

Repeat after me... B2B, BBQ, BarBie, Bill Barr, BarrON, 17 Q.

escapegoat 3 points ago +3 / -0

If light takes 8-9 minutes to get here, then how does the alert arrive 8-9 minutes before that? Is there a probe on the Sun with FTL comms? Or am I just doing it wrong?

escapegoat 2 points ago +2 / -0

They got the Pink Eye. 5-Eyes glows, but one eye glows pink.

escapegoat 0 points ago +1 / -1

Barr-ON, Bar-bie, Bill Barr. Could be saying it's a go for the BBQ. They already roasted Brady. Foreshadowing...

escapegoat 1 point ago +2 / -1

The priest in Shogun already associated Maria with the MariKo character, so I think we're set for discerning.

escapegoat 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's just sending the comms, so it's all BS metaphors. Do not take literally.

escapegoat 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lola is a double agent ladybug spyDroid in Obi-Wan.

Lola plays for the other team in the song.

Who is this Lola?

Next week is "Mental Health Week" and it ends with a BOE-ing Starliner rocket at 6:15 pm Friday the 17th. But this comm may be about the discontinuity in the matrix, which promises to flip back briefly to the 2020 election for "17 seconds" sometime soon.

escapegoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

People won't like this theory, but I think these cases are being settled to continue to hide the truth, and as some sort of money laundering back into the pyramid through entrepreneurial freemasons. No wins for normies. Perhaps the REAL (hidden) truth is the shots were placebos and ivermectin is only effective as a comm.

escapegoat 4 points ago +4 / -0

11.11.18 => 2.2.9 => Q-229 = 64 choices.

256 IP addresses / 64 choices = fore! (Heads up) Choose wisely...

escapegoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

229 looks like a 6 bit jump table. i wonder what that's for.


escapegoat -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oddly, I think this Hockey article is saying the same thing.

Game 2 featuring Stormy and the Lawmen gets interrupted for 17 seconds to take a peek back at game 1 with the Ice cold Landslide.

escapegoat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the Bushes are connected to the IVY league through Yale. And shockingly the Yale police actually arrested fore Palestine protestors there, "violently", on 5/2.

The "woman in red" usually represents some sorta eye catcher. In this case it looks like she steps forward, outta the brain fog and into the lights. The IVY fades off to the side and all becomes clear. Eyes on the RED.

I'm pretty sure the one strap is saying something as well, but I always gravitate to the lack of support concept, and that might not be it.

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