esoptron 5 points ago +5 / -0

plus someone else is paying so they jack up prices. its turned in to a medical welfare system with all these superfluous participants draining the system. get healthy, do keto and stay out of their clutches.

esoptron 3 points ago +4 / -1

this is what demonic possession looks like. one of the many faces of SRA.

esoptron 2 points ago +3 / -1

muslim traitors rule sweden, just like the rest of europe. now islam opens the 100mm baby cannons and conquers europe- forever. (its in the koran). christianity doesnt really exist in europe.... its not even a shadow of its former self- its gone!

esoptron 4 points ago +4 / -0

except in this case they worship their own death. they actually want to die. (yes, its in the koran). it won't be the first time the US military has obliged them. the sad part is muslim adherents are mostly low-IQ/low-educated cannon fodder. the koranic corruption is always paused after a large number of them are sent to hell where their god enjoys torturing them in eternity.

esoptron 4 points ago +4 / -0

we're getting close. trump did the "dance on your grave" dance at the DOJ-- aka YMCA gitmo.

esoptron 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can imagine it. I've seen it. you know who the worst criminals in the system are? the vile comunist professors. they horribly corrupt our kids. i know students who were so disgusted they walked out of their corrupt phd programs. do not go to university, the putrid puke professors are worthless evil and they dominate the system.

esoptron 8 points ago +8 / -0

its very bad, daughters in advanced degrees relayed horror stories of coercion to force the data to align with research "grant" deliverables. the prof's bully the grad students who then just deliver (invent) what the prof's demand so they can get their grade and get the heck out. then the new grads discover industry just perpetuates the corruption. Food industry is incredibly dangerous and corrupt. do not ever eat seed oils.

esoptron 1 point ago +1 / -0

they're doomed. in a year they'll both be shackeled under sharia law and be slaves in their own land. they'll stare out their window completely bewildered how they got conquered by islam.

esoptron 14 points ago +14 / -0

their hearts are full of murder all the time. democrats - the murder party. think about it.

esoptron 3 points ago +3 / -0

oh you mean the muslim invaders.... ya. next up is making pedophilia and bestiality ok, quickly followed by overt sharia (currently its covert sharia where pedo and bestiality are still in the shadows).

esoptron 38 points ago +38 / -0

plus the EU needs the cover of war to reset all their debt and crimes in addition to more dead humans. its a win-win for them, the elites will hide in their bunkers. islam will win in the end in the EU, cuz the muslim invaders won't be sent to the front lines.

esoptron 6 points ago +6 / -0

justice mandates those in positions of authority presiding over such malfeasance be terminated from their positions of power and punished

esoptron 2 points ago +2 / -0

true true. its the state religion for now. soon to be islam. islam is a combination of lazy and violence. the combination allows it to spread like wildfire. most are lazy in understanding the islamic precepts mainly because their texts and beliefs are preposterous. if you read their texts and realize its a fraud, you get the violence. even if you don't push back intellectually, they'll still do violence- because they love it. its what happens when you become possessed of demons.

esoptron 5 points ago +7 / -2

the solution is obvious, get rid of zelenskyy and remove his puppeteers influence. cept the puppeteers are the satanic cabal. you aint fighting satan in the flesh, you will lose every time.

esoptron 1 point ago +2 / -1

meanwhile, satan claims denmark as its vassal prize. there are pastors there who know better but are cowards. the islamic satan, now rules denmark, with france and germany poised to quickly follow. when you kick god out, the spiritual advantage always goes to satan and he'll quickly destroy you. you ignore or misinterpret the spiritual realm, you will be destroyed.

esoptron 6 points ago +6 / -0

all good observations, my lineage having come from denmark. the real shame is the one guy who was making huge strides in the denmark christian community (Torben Sondergaard) was viciously attacked, resulting in laws stifling normal christian behaviors. They attempted to arrest Torben (for being too christian) so he fled to the US where denmark persued him and was able to get Torben thrown in prison for over a year- with no charges against him. They made the mistake of letting Torben go and he immediately fled to MEXICO (of all places) where he is currently seeing huge christian revivals break out everywhere he goes. His organization "The Last Reformation" continues in its mission, while satan howls in anger, relentlessly defaming him and his organization.

esoptron 4 points ago +4 / -0

the plan was always to have ww3. trump just called em out on it and upset their timeline. now the eu showed their hand - probably - earlier than they wanted. trump basically just said the eu is rapidly running towards ww3

esoptron 1 point ago +1 / -0

the fact that the files still exist and are needing to be quickly destroyed proves they were/are artifacts used in continuing blackmail. there were basically 3 choices when the files were sequestered. 1)destroy them to protect the guilty, 2)keep them to continue the blackmail, 3)use them to convict the guilty, and maybe a 4th option where 2 and 3 are combined a bit. anyway, its clear they took option 2. now with trump looking to move to option 3, they're hastily running to option 1.
this is a very common government law enforcement dilemma. it happens ALL THE TIME, wakkie wakkie. option 2 can have multiple flavors up to and including flushing out bad guys, option 3 must prevail or your gov is corrupt. since we know gov is corrupt- its now a war for option 1 and option 3. this drama is still playing out.

esoptron 3 points ago +3 / -0

all good observations. i like the 20:20 rule. read 20 verses in advance and 20 verses beyond what you cite. the bible is amazingly coherent, it's when denominations get involved its gets distorted. i generally don't "argue" religion or faith per se online, only in person. here- im happy to drop a verse here and there and let it be sufficient. but im happy with your citation of hebrews 10:26, well done.

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