frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the gayest shit I've ever seen. Never liked this faggot ever, and now he's openly telling us he promotes illegal aliens and faggots grooming your kids.

frazzledrip 19 points ago +20 / -1

Square waves aren't an oddity. Happens all the time when a storm front is incoming. Living on the Atlantic Ocean, I see it all the time; more so in the winter months.

"Square waves do not result from any circumstance that is taking place below the water. Instead, they're the result of the way the water is moving.

In other words, square waves result from the intersection of two seas, also known as cross-sea or grid waves.

A weather pattern in the region causes the waves to form at different angles. When two opposing swells collide, a unique pattern emerges."

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wait until he finds out about the WW2 conscription and over 90% of those 'chosen' to go over and fight were Republican voters. Just asking ; what party was running the show at that time? Oh, right...

frazzledrip 8 points ago +8 / -0

And why over 92% of those conscripted to go over and fight were Republican voters. We weren't supposed to win WW2, right.

frazzledrip 8 points ago +8 / -0

Are you fucking kidding? Pay back emergency aide money? Wow, wow, wow fucking wow.

When can we do something about this? Look what they've done here, Ohio, Maui. They absolutely did this.

This is outright, premeditated murder of how many innocent Americans? Just because they will vote for Trump?

And then, your wonderful Government goes right ahead and gives Lebanon 150 million plus?

If you REALLY think there's going to be an election, and Trump will actually be allowed to take the Presidency, I think at this point, you're insane.

frazzledrip 6 points ago +6 / -0

Here's some predictive programming from 1985


Everyone also seems to forget they had to clear the sky every, single morning when the Olympics were in Beijing. They shot some shit into the sky to clear the smog. So, if they can clear the sky by putting shit into it.....

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Have a friend who's been in my ear about Garth Brooks for a while now. I haven't had the time to do a deep dive, but apparently, someone is always reported missing in the town / city the day after a Garth Brooks concert.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they've ever done the 'one eye cover' thing for a photo shoot, they're in. That's one of the ways they tell the other celebs they are now in the club

frazzledrip 16 points ago +16 / -0

my thoughts exactly.

So... these workers are just la dee dah working away while children are screaming in the containers and NOBODY ever did anything about it? Come on...

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's another way of announcing they belong to the red shoe club

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol wait until you find out what EACH native in Canada gets

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

wow, lawsuit city here we come

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's part of the grooming process to become the elite.

"Everyone has a price"

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

You literally watch their careers disappear :) Excellent, fucking piece of shit

frazzledrip 14 points ago +14 / -0

One of the accounts I follow on IG had some guy ( Venezuelan ) who is, apparently, someone who works with rescuing the kids. He openly stated his organization has absolute proof the Biden / Harris administration was / has been paying the Venezuelan gangs to traffic kids.

frazzledrip 14 points ago +14 / -0

someone should approach these fucks on the street with a camera and ask them if they still stand on these comments. Guaranteed, everyone of them would cuck out and gaslight with some statement of " we didn't know then, what we know now"

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk.. most country stars are very Christian. Marin Morris would be one, she's quite the liberal retard.

frazzledrip 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's the shots. Something about the vaxxed have a 3-5 year window. This is end of the third year the vaxxes were released. So just think, everything we've seen so far with cancers, heart attacks, strokes, died suddenlys, etc ; it hasn't even really started yet.

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

This. I've been trying to wake people up to Oprah for years. She is way up there in terms of running the TV entertainment branch of the pedo ring.

She even made a statement in early 2020 about not being connected to child trafficking. I was told this was one of the signs that the white hats were in control.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you even imagine this? Yet, it's actually happening.... Yea.. let's KEEP rapists and murderers, who are already here illegally, in the country even after they've committed federal offences.

How do these fuckheads even sleep at night? This needs to happen to one of their kids; maybe then they'll fucking get it.

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