What they fail to realize, is the awakening of the people.
Just as Harry Reid blew 200+ years of Senate tradition eliminating the 2/3 rule for approving federal judges, with the end result of Trump's three Supreme Court picks; the deep-state patsy just ok'd open season on all politicians.
They have no idea what they just did.
I wonder ...
We know the enemy is going to cheat again. We know how they're going to cheat again. We know the courts aren't going to do anything about it again.
So what happens if we out-cheat the cheaters?
Surreptitiously print up millions of Trump ballots, (with downstream candidates as well), and stuff the same unsurveilled drop boxes they are. Say, we know they'll probably put 20k ballots in a box. So we stuff in 100k to offset it. Skew the numbers so badly, it can't be ignored.
What are they gonna do? Claim drop boxes aren't valid anymore?
These days, courts will saddle you with alimony even if you're not married. Courts now consider being nice to a kid the equivalent of being a 'father figure' and nail you for child support.
Is the next court travesty to be illegals suing for housing and inheritance rights because they now live with you?
Each of us, on rare occasion, CAN make a difference. Someone (or someones) on this jury just proved it.
This year I decided to do something. Not much, just what I could, to exert some control over the Deep State - I changed my political affiliation to Independent. Now, I have a better chance of blending in, and being selected for jury duty.
While I'm not looking forward to it, I recognize that I might, just might, find myself in a position to stick my thumb in the crooked justice system's eye, thus preventing a travesty of justice, like the enemy tried with this trial.
'Jury nullification' is a deliberately suppressed fact of life ... and works in both directions.
"The cure for corruption is the light of transparency."
- Me.
Quislings come in all shapes and sizes. It should come as no surprise the enemy has infiltrated our ranks.
Be vigilant folks. Expose them at every opportunity. It's only going to get worse the closer we get to 2024.
Like that's a shocker.
I've despised that rino ever since she, as a state rep long ago, tried reviving a state income tax. Daddy Frank gifting her his job was just icing on the cake.
The enemy will reveal themselves over time. You just have to be looking to see.
Sounds like 'they' don't want her getting the idea she's a viable candidate for '28 ...