Cool, now collect them all and send them to China.
Elon wants a chip in your head, fuck Elon.
Why is he still walking the fucking planet?
Elon wants to put a chip in your head....
Still wants chips in our heads.
At this point if you’re a girl and you go up against a biological male you deserve it.
RCMP is corrupt to the tits, not expecting anything.
Not good enough. A dead pedo doesn’t reoffend.
That will 100% bring the guns out.
What is a 100% full proof way of knowing your government is lying to you for $600 Alex.
The fact that a second one got her skull cracked open after the first is fucking mind boggling. They chose to fight a man. Lessons learned I guess.
Can’t do that....
MAGA party time!
He should calm down before he develops a blood clot.
Filled my heart! Thank you Veterans.
These people are just going to die and go away? Can we get some fucking truth already.
Do not comply.
Pride comes before the fall.....
And state street
Eon musk is on his own side
Each indecent charge is a $2000 fine, so if you can afford it whip the dick out!