Also, note the very strange fact in all that insurrectionist chaos, with all those angry males, the first person over the barricade was the only woman in the place until the person called Angry Lady 1 showed up. The guy with blood on his hand said, "It could have been me," and there's a very good question as to why it was NOT one of the angry males. There were plenty of them there, but for some reason, they send the girl through the breach? Odd to put it mildly.
If we were not triggering on the phrase "New World Order," we could get some useful info from this clip. World orders are constantly in transition. There are the continuous cycles such as The Fourth Turning, and then, periodically, there are bigger rollover points where civilizations fall as others rise. We seem to be at one of those now, and there's a big fight over who comes out of this with control of the steering wheel. He actually states that pretty succinctly. Rather than having an allergic reaction to the term NWO, maybe we should ask how we would like the world to be in the new order and what steps we need to take to achieve that.
Plus, it uses huge amounts of energy right at the point in history when we are being encouraged to go to electric everything, but the price of electricity is going up while availability is going down. Another brilliant move.
Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.
Have ANY of our public health officials said this? Even hinted?
Rules for thee, but not for me. When I think of all the stress I was under when handling classified material, making sure it was secured and that safes were signed off and all the training I had to go through every year and the examples they always gave us of people whose careers were ended because of minor infractions when handling classified, and this idiot thinks that he can stack boxes of it in his garage and it's okay because it's next to his Corvette.
That is an interesting statement to make unless he knows something because she has already had one comeback so it's not beyond the limits of possibility to think that she could do it again. Also, my sister, who doesn't buy into much of this "conspiracy theory stuff" was very interested in the fact that Nancy resigned all her other committee positions. She said that Nancy would never give up all that kind of power voluntarily so even she thinks that there's something strange going on behind the scenes. Are we going to get notification within the next few days that the former Speaker "died suddenly" in her home?
There is something so sweet about the idea of Pres. Trump taking the gavel following Nancy. I just wish that there was some rule that required the outgoing Speaker to be present to hand the gavel to the incoming Speaker. That would truly be divine. And then, I'd love to see him bop her on the head with it.
That probably will not do them much good because an organ transplant requires immune system suppression so your body will not reject the new organ. From a Josh Philips article I recently saw on Epoch Times, that's one of the reasons that the CCP had such a bazaar and extreme reaction to Covid, Their view of medicine leads them to have organ transplants frequently so nearly all of them have suppressed immune systems. They're terrified of Covid because it really is a threat to them. It is a strangely just punishment for what they have already been doing.
Looking at this silliness makes me realize that Dems are so isolated from any kind of real life experience that they don't know how to do anything except act, and they so undervalue real-life skills that they can't even ACT convincingly. It's sad.