huhWHAThuh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, and slowing to a crawl now.

Lots of people are willing to actually listen to me now and watch videos, etc.

One sister (both my sisters are staunch Dems and normally unwilling to even consider anything not on MSM) watched a Dr. Malone vid and stopped after the second jab.

The other one is also a staunch Catholic along with staunch Dem, so I tried the Archbishop Vigano vid for her. At about the 30 second mark she ran out my door screaming and flailing her arms in the air.

Hey, one out of two ain't bad.

At least it's getting better than it has been.

huhWHAThuh 7 points ago +8 / -1

War of course.

Which in this circumstance guarantees escalation to Nuclear Warfare.

That's the entire purpose.

How else do you suppose they intend to reach their target goal of exterminating 95% of the human population?

It could not be more obvious.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

And she married a woman?

Wait, aren't we all just lesbians trapped in a man's body, lusting after chicks?

And for sure we could all star in the WNBA.

It's getting too confusing.

huhWHAThuh 8 points ago +8 / -0

They don't want to be the ones the "cool people" point and giggle at.

I have had many people tell me straight out that maybe I'm right, but they don't want to know.

It takes guts to be honest in a world of powerful with liars.

Unfortunately, they don't have any.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are one propaganda machine owned by the same cabal of criminals and crooks.

No level of absurdity or shame will stop them now or even allow them to slow down.

They are riding the back of a tiger.

They either keep going full speed or stop and be eaten alive.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

huhWHAThuh 1 point moments ago +1 / -0

It is one strong element of a well known and well documented method used to destabilize, demoralize, then destroy a culture.

It was put to very effective use in destroying the Weimar Republic in 1930s Germany.

See "The Pink Swastika," :https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf

โ€œLively and Abrams call attention to what Hitlerism really stood for, abortion, euthanasia, hatred of Jews, and, very emphatically, homosexuality. This many of us knew in the 1930โ€™s; it was common knowledge, but now it is denied...โ€

R. J. Rushdoony, The Chalcedon Report

โ€œ...Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams have done America a great service...โ€

Col. Ronald Ray, Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

EDIT: Keep in mind also how unpopular it was from the beginning and continues to be with the American Public. Remember California (of all places) passed a law against homosexual marriage before the insane ruling by the Supreme Court? It was then and continues to be against the good judgement of the overwhelming majority of American Citizens (despite the incessant droning from the Media that anyone who opposes it is an angry lone nut).

It came out of nowhere, with no public support, and It was pushed onto our culture deliberately, with purely evil intent.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is one strong element of a well known and well documented method used to destabilize, demoralize, then destroy a culture.

It was put to very effective use in destroying the Weimar Republic in 1930s Germany.

See "The Pink Swastika," :https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf

โ€œLively and Abrams call attention to what Hitlerism really stood for, abortion, euthanasia, hatred of Jews, and, very emphatically, homosexuality. This many of us knew in the 1930โ€™s; it was common knowledge, but now it is denied...โ€

R. J. Rushdoony, The Chalcedon Report

โ€œ...Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams have done America a great service...โ€

Col. Ronald Ray, Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

EDIT: Keep in mind also how unpopular it was from the beginning and continues to be with the American Public. Remember California (of all places) passed a law against homosexual marriage before the insane ruling by the Supreme Court? It was then and continues to be against the good judgement of the overwhelming majority of American Citizens (despite the incessant droning from the Media that anyone who opposes it is an angry lone nut).

It came out of nowhere, with no public support, and It was pushed onto our culture deliberately, with purely evil intent.

huhWHAThuh 4 points ago +4 / -0

With a few notable exceptions like earthquakes and hurricanes, very few things on Earth happen without two or more people conspiring to make them happen.

And I'm not really sure about earthquakes and hurricanes.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could it be that in the core of their being they are ashamed of what they support?

Why do Politicians and TV pundits speak in incomplete sentences when they state their positions?

E.g: "I support a woman's right to choose."

Choose what? Choose her hairstyle? Choose what to have for lunch?

That all sounds very fair and democratic, as long as they DON'T say what it is they DO support:

They support a woman's (?) right (?) to kill the fetus (also known as baby) that is growing inside her womb.

It doesn't sound at all fair or democratic when you make them FINISH THEIR SENTENCE.


Make them say publicly what they DO support.

That will make them blush and stammer and try to wander off stage.

huhWHAThuh 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Brown Shirts are always first in line for the firing squads.


They just overthrew a government. They know how it's done.

Very dangerous to their new masters.

huhWHAThuh 6 points ago +6 / -0


[18] Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Attorneys General have no authority to change election law or protocols. It can only be changed by State Legislatures.

Attorneys General changed election laws and protocols.

That ^ is ^ ILLEGAL.

Anyone who says it was a clean or legal election is an open liar.

The proof is on the surface. Totally out in the open.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even the most delusional among us have a B.S. meter that can be tripped when the levels of mental sewerage reach a high enough level.

I think having a walking corpse who couldn't draw 100 people to a rally win the Presidency over a man who was drawing 20k + everywhere he went has tripped the meter for millions.

It may just be an uneasy feeling in the gut for a good % of them. But it's there.

huhWHAThuh 7 points ago +7 / -0

When a Govt. Agency requisitions an AR15 for an assault team it is listed as a personal defense weapon.

When a Citizen buys an AR15 for personal defense it is referred to by Govt. and the media as an assault weapon.

What's up with that?

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dissidents can be useful long term.

The worker bees of revolution know how governments are overthrown. They are the immediate danger.

It devolves into simple quotas of executions to maintain the level of fear. Anyone will do nicely.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Naa...All the progressive worker bees are always first in line for the firing squads.

It's those who think they are at the front of the line for the cushy Commissar positions who wind up getting their rewards in lead instead of gold.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

l'd like to hear more about him supposedly channeling demons. I would not entertain this without a direct source.

It was not Cayce directly channeling demons. It was during a regular reading of Cayce when this "Azazel" (or other ancient name for Satan) popped in and began speaking through Cayce in a completely different and shrill voice.

It would have been in one of the two last books i read on the subject:

"Edgar Cayce On Jesus and His Church," By Ann Read, edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce.


"Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus," by Jeffrey Furst .

Sorry that I cannot provide more specific information. I'm not going to dig out those old paperback books and search it out.

Take it for what you will.

The occult knowledge of Freemasonry is not an evil in and of itself

The source to refute this can be found in the book, "Morals and Dogma," written by Albert Pike, former Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry.

In it, he says that Freemasonry is "identical" to the "Ancient Mysteries."

You likely are aware that the "Ancient Mysteries," is PAGANISM.

And I assume you are aware that the primary object of Paganism is worship of the Sun god, which is also known as the "light bearer," or Lucifer.

Lucifer is also known as Satan.

In Holy Scripture and other sources he is identified as Baal, or Bel, or as Jesus names him in Luke.11[18] Beelzebub = Satan.

It takes a few steps to sift through Freemasonry's plausible deniability. But at the foundation you will find Satanism.

If they have a good secret, why do you suppose they keep it secret?

Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

I have already done mine.

And the conclusions are clear and irrefutable.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't read his books in years either.

But I do remember clearly why I stopped.

It was reading things like that. And remembering Paul's warning:


[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

In one of His readings that i read an entity I believe was named Azazel or Samael spoke directly through him I don't remember which name exactly it was. But I do remember looking the name up.

The name was an ancient alternate for the name Satan. I do remember that clearly.

Follow the spirit that is in you.

huhWHAThuh 1 point ago +1 / -0

In one of His readings that i read an entity I believe was named Azazel or Samael spoke directly through him I don't remember which name exactly it was. But I do remember looking the name up.

The name was an ancient alternate for the name Satan. I do remember that clearly.

Follow the spirit that is in you.

huhWHAThuh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I am familiar with both.

My recollection of the Fatima message was the consecration was to prevent Russia from spreading it's "error," which at the time was the Bolshevik ideology which had just taken hold. That, of course, is long gone. Currently Russia seems to be the only nation of consequence RESISTING the global Marxism that is trying to push it's way into global domination.

The Vatican has settled issues with China, and now allows the CCP to appoint the Catholic Bishops there. Reportedly, several billions in compensation changed hands.

So with Atheists appointing the Bishops there, I doubt the Vatican's interest in Russia's actions is a Christian concern.

Notably, he consecrated Russia and Ukraine, which wasn't mentioned in the Fatima apparitions. But the Nazis in the West are of course Catholic.

My personal take on his action is something of a warning to Russia that they better fall in line or the fighting and NATO supply of weapons will never stop, even to the point of direct NATO intervention and WW3.

As far as Edgar is concerned, I have read many books about him, and at first trusted and believed him to be the real thing. But as time went on and I picked up more information about him, and collected more writings, there appears to be deception at work. He apparently wasn't the simple, nearly illiterate farm boy he is portrayed as. Updated information is that his first job wasn't as a photographer's helper. It was apparently selling insurance for a freemasonic insurance company to freemasons. I had heard rumblings about his connections to freemasonry, and read an unauthorized biography that suggested occult connections. But the clencher for me was watching a video interview of Edgar's long time stenographer. In the interview she mentioned that in one of the readings Edgar had mentioned a term she didn't understand. So she went to a book by Manly P. Hall to look it up. He, of course, is a Freemasonic icon.

So, my current belief is at minimum he is a misrepresentation, and not the simple Sunday School teacher he is portrayed to be. If he had any spiritual occult powers, the source was likely not from Godly sources.

Another of his predictions was that Jesus will be back for his church in 1998.

I didn't notice that happening, and hope there was nothing i missed.

huhWHAThuh 13 points ago +13 / -0

Putin is paying for the restoration of Orthodox Christian Churches ransacked and destroyed by the Bolsheviks across Russia.

Oct 19, 2017 โ€” Since the fall of communism, 25,000 churches have been built or restored in Russia with state backing โ€“ if not always universal public support. We went in ...


Primary reason ^ for deep state satanists hatred of Putin.

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