Doesn't Strzok actually like like the devil itself?
Pointy ears & all
I think there are different types of psychopaths. There are some that don't have any empathy but still know they should not kill others & etc. On the other extreme, there are others like Hillary Clinton that gets a sadistic pleasure out of killing people. (watch how she licks her lips when she jokes about Gadhafi's final demise)
There's probably several levels in between too. Even though Fauci may have killed more than Hillary (Hard to know how many Haitians Hillary killed, etc) I haven't seen evidence yet that he is the sadistic type, but just entirely without morals & stone cold.
I don't think psychopaths are capable of remorse, or empathy of any kind. Usually they display anger when people try to make them feel bad for something they did. The fact that is displaying a different emotion than anger (ie pride) must mean he know he's caught
Seth Rich is a Saint. He only did what anyone with integrity in his position should do. I hope his family is proud. I bet you Trump gives them a purple heart, for Seth. He was the last of those on the left who had integrity
Does anyone have the link to that great Q video from long ago starting out about criminals & telling us to expand out thinking. Eventually explaining how the generals asked Trump to run. I think it had Admiral Roger's watch in it?
A friend, a fellow Trump supported FINALLY said their might be something to Q. I'd like to show it to him
Notice that Dan is the only one without a special area ;) Maybe that's q