Thanks for all your work Cats5! You know, we all have our own way of seeing things & we all have are own egos too but at some point we have to put our own ego aside especially for those that are doing one hell of a lot of work! Thanks again
BTW, you don't have to answer this but do you have 5 cats or is it that you have been waiting for this category 5 hurricane (Which I do think is starting now to blow)
You certainly know that history a lot better than me, fren! Sorry. My only source for that is something that Larry Nichols once said, (it might have been on you tube) but I have no real proof. It's not impossible that Nichols made it up or was exaggerating in some way (By exaggerating maybe Rodham was only involved in the mob or maybe some more minor mob?? idk) Do you know who Nichols was? He was pretty much a former henchman for Clinton. (He never exactly says so because all that is of course illegal) So he's a Clinton insider dying of cancer & spilling the beans on them sometime before the 2016 election because he knows what they were intending to do & just couldn't stand the thought of that for the world. (A henchman with some morals)
Some things he said were like that as president she would nominate Bill to be Sec Gen of UN & then give that more power - given what we saw of the UN's role in the covid crap I do think that would have been correct. But yes, in one aside he said that Bill wanted Hilary for her father's mob connections & went on to say that about her father Hugh & Rostenkowski. In my attempts to find something else about that all I could find was that Bill did pardon Rostenkowski . (So obviously there was some connection) This is all I know. IDK if I can find his old videos or not (They even could have been audio files - I forget) but even if I can find them all they will prove is that Nichols said it. I was taking him at face value but who knows. Or maybe he heard about it wrong too. IDK I do think it's obvious that the Clintons had SOME sort of mob working for them, early on. Oh yeah, I also dug around to see how Hillary described her father & where he, 'worked.' She would say he had a small curtain store, other times a rug shop, etc etc Sounded to me like a mob cover shop, imho Rugs & curtains are kind of different to me, strange that the daughter would mix it up? In fact, the only way that they could be used in the same way would be to hide a dead body.
Anyways, that's all I have. It does seem to come close but you do seem to have a much more vast knowledge of the subject. I would be curious to know what you would make of all this. Your grandma was Capone's cousin! Wow! Did she ever say anything about him, like when they were growing up & stuff?
It's also a way to wake up the normies & give a lot more legitimacy to everything he ever said. The fact that normies believe the legacy media has to do with it's history of various institutions giving them legitimacy. Bongino now being in this incredible position of high respect doesn't just give a lot more legitimacy to what he says going forward BUT IT ALSO gives a lot of legitimacy to anything he ever said! Clever move Kash. He is also a great & incredibly capable choice.
You know the Episcopal church is going through a similar divide, at least over in the North East USA. It used to be that Episcopal Church & Anglican Church were pretty much 2 names for the same thing, but now, at least in some areas Anglican are those churches that broke off from the Episcopal when they went crazy woke (led by a bishop that left his wife and children for another man!)
This too:
called FAFO
It's only right that we get mineral rights after all we put in. But what about the Ukrainians? They paid with their lives for Zelensky & the DNC's laundering schemes. I think a fair exchange for them might be all that Zelensky & the DNC stolen stole from this process
So perfectly well said. It is their own unreasonableness that will reap their utter oblivion. I thank the brilliance of Q for this. This waiting, this ;pause, was brilliant. We all know how hard it was & yes it costed lives but if there was no uncomfortably long pause it would have been just another swing of the pendulum. This however will clearly be no pendulum swing but the only the swing of a bat, knocking the ball, so far out of the ball park that it is easily a home run with bases loaded, winning the game.
Strozk deleted his twitter but Page has hers all up. She very seldomly writes but says some interesting things at time. In one tweet she mentions that she'll be sent to "girly gitmo" etc etc etc. I think she knows where she is headed or - more likely - is already working with authorities.
BTW, I would bet that Cat Stevens was an honest shooter. I think he was set up to say something about Islam or Rushdie or whatever it was that caused his downfall in popularity. I would bet the cabal just didn't want an honest or non-blackmailable person to have fame.
Meanwhile, could you pass the banapple gas?