To be fair, Trump did mess up his history there a bit. Abraham did not mourn the loss of Tad. Abraham died before Tad.
Both the President and the First Lady did suffer from depression, though.
Just want to keep us all accurate.
That's where I first learned of Q. When that place got nuked and then the great purge of Twitter happened, I knew the war was real.
I just got back on Reddit. I try to keep things superficial, but man, it is difficult.
The propaganda is so pervasive there!
You know, as much as we all like an investigation to wrap up in 20 minutes like a Scooby Doo episode, in real life it can't be that way.
The evildoers won't just rip their masks off and say, "You got me."
A careful legal process is necessary, or they will wriggle away free...again.
Used to follow the Phillies from the minors, to when pitchers and catchers reported, to their final game of the season...whenever that would be. But, once BLM got plastered on fields eveeywhere, to how the MLB took the All-Star game from Atlanta based on voter ID law...I just can't make myself care about it anymore.
Honestly, I freed up so much time! I am better off without it!
Back at you brother. I have had moments of doubt, moments of wondering if I was on the wrong end of a psyop, moments of concern that the black hats would win, etc...but mostly just excitement at being witness to a great awakening.
Seems to be where we are now!