lalahemingway 5 points ago +5 / -0

And thank you...you add value here too!

lalahemingway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is this guy? I'd love to see more.

lalahemingway 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen. Excellently appropriate post this fine morning. Thank you!

lalahemingway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Congrats to you and your family!

lalahemingway 15 points ago +15 / -0

Prayers going up! ANDDD you'll be fine. Just speak from the heart, and don't even worry about holding it all together. It's gonna be an emotional moment, and that's okay. I'm so excited for you! Please let us know how it goes.

lalahemingway 26 points ago +26 / -0

Man, I'm holding back tears too now. Love this SO much and is just what I needed to hear today.

This whole things feels eerily like Stephen King's book, The Stand. People are dying in mass as the spiritual warfare speeds up. The remaining will be called to either God or Satan. It's crazy to watch this unfold.

Personally, I just bought a new study bible for myself. I've never been called to dig into the Word like right now. AND I found The Chosen series online and can't get enough. Things are happening like never before. Even as much as I would love things to be more "normal" (whatever that is anymore), I can't deny the feeling that we're all here for a reason...sort of hand-picked. Now, I'm just rambling, but I hope some of you feel the same.

God is good...all the time. ;)

lalahemingway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, I'm not a violent person by any stretch, but I'm about ready to cut a bitch if they keep on dancing around this shit. It's getting ridiculous. Who the hell believes this crap anymore? Makes me sick to my stomach to think about all the lives that have been negatively impacted by this clot shot - not just those who took it but those who love those who took it. People are DYING. This is disgusting. This movie needs to end soon. I've developed an allergy to popcorn at this point. Sorry, not dooming...I'm just reaching a breaking point.

lalahemingway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then it definitely IS related to airborne objects over North America during the last two weeks.

lalahemingway 10 points ago +10 / -0

God bless you, fren! Mine are grown, but I wish I'd done the exact same thing. When I worry about the state of the world for this generation of children, I pray for an army of parents like you who are raising strong, wise future leaders.

lalahemingway 8 points ago +8 / -0

You make some excellent points here, and I've also been feeling like most avenues or choices are tainted in one way or another - some just clearer and more obvious than others. AND I've found myself just naturally praying more and more. If I wake up in the night, I say the Lord's prayer before going back to sleep. When I'm alone, I'm literally talking to God like every day conversation. So, I do feel what you're saying just from the standpoint of current intuition and how my routines are innately being affected. And whether or not someone agrees w/you isn't the main point here in my view. It's more about REALLY getting nitty-gritty w/your personal relationship w/God - recognizing Jesus as your saviour if you haven't already, praying for discernment before acting, not allowing hateful thoughts or feelings to rule decision making, etc.

Thanks for posting this. If nothing else, what a great reminder to take everything to the Father.

lalahemingway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm crying right here with you. That was a selfless act...letting him go be with the Lord and his other family. I'll pray for you and yours tonight and in the coming days. Big hugs right back atcha.

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