lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

The arrests made for drug pushings, shootings, drug related murders are not from around here, all from New Haven Conn. I do not know their status, but their last names are latin, 90% of the time. And the problem was unkown 20 years ago. I would say 90% of the crimes committed are drug related now.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you can tolerate the liberals in the bigger cities, I feel very secure in rural Vermont, from a lot of things. There are not just liberals, there are a lot of libertarians, a few gun regulations, but it is not a real threat for personal ownership, no limit on the amount you own, and open carry is legal. A lot of homesteaders, a lot of natural healers, anti vaxxers, and hard workers who mind their own business. I have never locked my car or my doors. (I live on the backroads in a teeny tiney town). It is not cheap though. Property taxes are high, and so is real estate. I moved here almost 40 years ago, and I will die here. Our county went 47% Trump, so, it is a lie to say there are nothing but Dems and Commies living here. More trees than people and I like it like that.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could anyone name me a hotel or motel chain that is not managed or owned by foreigners? You could drive cross country once upon a time, and natural born Americans were managing, staffing, and owning them. Since the late 80's the places have gone under, the person behind the desk can hardly speak clear English, and the staff does not even speak English.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

if you cut them you will get a flood of nicotine into your body, it is why time released meds should not be crushed either, it's meant to be absorbed slowly.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

Whether or not this is really an ISIS attack, remains to be seen. What I am feeling in my bones is that nothing will be safe for the next 6 months or so. USA supporting Israel has put Americans in a place of danger, the Muslim jihadists play a very long game, they are patient, and I expect many more attacks in revenge for Gaza and Lebanon. They do not think or believe the same way we do, this nonsense that "it is all the same God" is crap. It is not. I would avoid any large gatherings in the future, but that is just me. It is all deep state, as far as I am concerned. Pray and listen to your gut, if your prayer life is in order, your gut will tell you the truth.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know a lot of good people, and I do not hang out with bad people. If only there was a full force of news about the biggest crime of humanity, sexual abuse of children, trafficking, sexual slavery. I do know good people who are not voting for Trump, but they are not pervs, they are not immoral, they go to church, they raise their kids and worked hard all of their lives. This is the one issue, if they knew, if they believed he was going to stop this, for real, they would vote for him in a minute.Instead all I hear is that he is a rapist, blah blah blah. Why is this so hard to expose? Therapists have heard of cult abuse since the early 90's, anyone who travels on the roads, or have been in bus terminals in the middle of the night, have seen it at rest stops, have seen children hookers at the terminals. I am supposed to respect law enforcement, when I know so many of them take money to look away, or do this to kids themselves. I am talking about barely out of puberty children. It cannot be that hard to make it end!!!!!!!! There are people who sell their babies, it is not all that hidden. In a small town up here, the EMT told me that kids in their teens are turning tricks in the port a potty at a farmers market field, for money for drugs. The cops have nothing to do at 2am in the morning, that sort of activity is common knowledge. The town of around 2,300 goes to bed at 11, nothing is open, there is no traffic, but somehow they can't get people over there to stop it???? And all the big strong and armed men around here cannot get together a posse and police it??? And I am talking about men who are voting for trump. What the hell. I am a little old lady and I am ready to go down there in the middle of the night and raise hell, but my son, too, won't let me, and he says he isnt going alone because he doesn't want us to get shot through the window in the middle of the night. Sometimes I scream at God to just come and smite them all. The cops are in on it too, they have to be.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

kess is a german word describing "pert" "fresh' "jaunty" "impudent" or "cheeky", according AI.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

mee too! I can get modern music anywhere, when I go to church, I want to sing and hear the words of Faith that have been sung for centuries.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

Old habit, having been raised RC, but I cross myself often, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. It is a reminder to me of the shield of Christ. I know I am not doing anything occult, as some have suggested, it is a gesture of who has my mind, and heart, and who gives me strength and protection.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just found out that the "Progressive" couple who own an arthouse cinema in Montpelier Vermont, are voting for Trump. Do not judge a book by it's cover! They are artsy, mature, organic, educated, compassionate, and easily stereotyped as liberals. They are not. Due to owning a small business, in a liberal city, (duh, Vermont) they have been quiet about this, but in a personal conversation with the wife, after I mentioned I am getting somatic symptoms waiting for this to play out, she shared her thoughts and plans. I believe they would define themselves as Libertarians, as many do in Vermont. Never stereotype! They do drink lattes and are concerned about the environment and care about pollution, so many things that I hear other MAGAS bashing. They are voting for him, not her. Never assume, as they say.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not a lib, and there are animals I love a lot more than many humans . God have mercy on me, but it's the honest truth.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

not sure I understand you, my Mortgage company says I have to have insurance or they will cancel the mortgage, same with my property taxes, if those are not paid, the mortgage company adds it to my monthly payments, it has been that way for the past 20 years. Its my choice of what kind of homeowners, it can be minimal, just to cover the value of the house, or it can be better coverage including fire, loss, damage. Since the town can seize the property for non payment of tax after a year, the town will notify the mortgage company of back taxes.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is why we have dress rehearsals.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dated a guy once, a Maine Yankee, he used to tell me to use turn signals when I talked.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

omg thank you for this!!!!! I have been telling people for years. I may have a homesteaders life in the north country now, but I was born and raised in Queens NYC, in a nice neighborhood, I was born in 1950, left NYC in 1977. We all talk like that! People would say "he doesn't make any sense", I said, of course he does, when he refers to things and compares things,,, its just how we talk, interjecting a story with a phrase or an question, the energy. It gets really bad when I am around other NY'ers, even my old accent comes out. This reminds me of a comment I read on Youtube, the video was about some barrista yelling at a customer, and the customer yelling back. The comment was "whats the big deal? They're from Queens, everyone yells in Queens".

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I said the same thing a few years back after having an encounter with a nest that was under my front steps. Later that afternoon I went down to my lower garden and saw one munching on cabbage caterpillars, those green ones. I said, "thank you for showing me Lord". Real story. I guess all things do have a purpose, but they still are not welcome near my buildings. I found an easy way without using poison, to discourage their nesting. Get a paper bag, blow it up a little, tie string around it, and hang it, near eaves, in my case I have a big swing, two seater with an awning outdoors, this Spring i saw the buggers casing it out, hung that bag, and they stay far away. But i guess God has a purpose for them.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

back in the 70's that is what they called women of my age (74), because some would get this bluing rinse to make their white hair, I dunno, bluish or something, I guess so the white wasn't so glaring. Blue hairs, "oh whose holding up traffic? Just some bluehair driving 35 in a 50mph zone".

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

not to mention how many illegals do work in the processed food industry, and in slaughter houses, they have direct access to our stomachs, think about it

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tell everyone you know to make sure to eat whole foods, nothing prepared ahead of time, from now till election day (and after that if they want). The warnings and recalls about tainted foods, from McDonalds to Costco, containing listeria, e coli etc should be taken carefully. We don't have Covid as a cover, but mass illness can still be a distraction as we watch the election results. Pray, and fast from processed foods, and I mean all of it, cake mixes, salami, big macs and Bob Evans, pork and beans, etc, just be careful, it would be so easy for them to taint all of the so called food in our grocery chain. Maybe I am paranoid, but at least I will not get sick.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope, not what I am hearing, it's Scott Pressler who is being investigated

lovemyGod 6 points ago +6 / -0

The guardian of the man I care for has now come down with Covid for the fourth time, and she wants me to take him to get the newest shot for it. There is nothing I can do, she is the guardian. Oh, and she also got the new and latest shot, and now has the new and latest Covid. The chinese sure do know how to make a virus, it shifts gears as soon as they infect you with the vaccine.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I lost a lot of respect for the Amish when I learned, and researched that they run some of the worst puppy mills in the country.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is this even a thing? how could sharia ever be practiced in the USA? I mean, some Muslims may use their break time for prayer, I worked with one, we all got a meal break and two 15 minute breaks in an 8 hour day, 30 mins to eat and 2 breaks, he would go into a quiet area in the nursing home to do his thiing, but thats about it. Who would use Sharia law legally in any state?

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

Waking up comes from disturbance, loss, grief, hardship, introspection, and a life that was raised up with the idea and belief and faith in God. Ignoring the need of the soul, our conscience, so to speak, will not allow awakening, in my opinion. Mere intellectualism will not cut it, knowledge will not cut it, not as long as the industry of the devil has power over most minds, there is too much distraction that puts a man back to sleep. Which is why the only thing that will save a man for awakening must be disruptive, harsh, and like a slap in the face, cold water in the face, and light, lots of light. One of the hardest disciplines is remaining awake, and yet spreading the gospel with love. A man must die to the flesh and awaken to the spirit, which is why fasting was practiced and is still practiced, as a way of prayer and contemplation. Try doing something that is not mechanical, if you are right handed, eat with your left hand, do something consciously, push yourself, because even those who think they are awake are still on auto pilot in their everyday life. I no longer study Gurdjieff, I left that study for religious study, but I found his teachings to have many truths to it. Some would call him dark, but I do not think so, his influence in my life taught me self observation, which was, in a way, the best thing I could have ever learned. If you have not yet asked Christ to come into your life, please do, we do not know when the time is, but live as if HIS return could be in the next hour. Faith will change your brain, and practicing it in prayer and reading scripture will make it stronger.

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