M42D 4 points ago +4 / -0

What's stark is that they allowed Trump 74 million of his votes, they could have just stuck with the usual mid-60s figure. To think of how many he actually got is truly mind-blowing.

M42D 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'm gay but not weak. I'd prefer "Don't be weak and plant-based".

M42D 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck that plastic pedo's repugnant visage. The split-second sight of its repulsiveness makes me physically sick.

M42D 2 points ago +4 / -2

Trump is a genuine philanthropist. There are very few of those in 'power'. He doesn't hate jews any more than he doesn't hate muslims. Judaism and Islam are problems; the average adherent of either is not.

M42D 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember Charles said at WEF that to fight climate change we need trillions for someone he named "Him".

This cunt hasn't got cancer. He just wanted time off for a child hunting and eating spree.

M42D 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once they are EXTERMINATED as the pestilence of the pit they are, yes. These abominations are DEMONS.

M42D 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are BASTURD OBUMMER's 'citizen army'. DEMONS always tell you in advance what they are going to do. And OBASTURD is a LITERAL Demon from Hell.

M42D 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd rather they were publicly executed. We are talking about EVIL DEMONS here.

M42D 2 points ago +2 / -0


Russia's just taking back what is rightfully theirs. And a gay twerking coke sniffer who owns one vest has been deployed by the NWO to convince us otherwise.

M42D 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q aside, they need to be exterminated. We can't share a world with megalomaniacal psychopathically evil demons from Hell, which is what these sepulchral slugs truly are. Free speech is fine if you want to talk about taking over the world, but actually making moves to do it is where 2A comes fairly into play.

M42D 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course it all came from somewhere. You see it everywhere, here in the UK for example. Libraries stock books about how to reduce your carbon footprint and be plant-based. It's not the dotty Librarians ordering that shit. Schools in obscure valleys teach primary school kids 'Geography' about Greta Thunberg saving the planet. That's not ordinary working-class Headteachers directing that shit. It goes on and on and on. What happens you get one bred-for-it soulless cunt that wants to get to the top of the 'Council' (your equivalent of State) takes the Marxism WEF ritual then filters all this shit down like slurry running out the trouser ankles of their venal pants, and the middle-management arse lickers who just want the best retirement salary slurp it up and don't question the insanity of it and 'cascade' (yes, that's their word) it down into diktats.

M42D 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't watch more than one nanosecond of the repugnant Stygian grotesquerie that is 'Biden', whoever or whatever he is. Did he do the toddler 'squat and shit himself' stance this time like he did a week ago?

M42D 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rishi Sunak addressed the UK today that "The next five years is going to be more dangerous time than the last 30 combined".

Is that because, WEF darling Rishi whose in-laws own a billion dollar biometrics company; the confluence of mobile phones, internet and satellite TV in 1995 has exploded into devices that track and control your every move, social media and censorship that herds all normies into one pen of thinking, and 24/7 news and 'reality TV' to dumb people down to docile bovine level; and the next five years just happens to coincide with Agenda 2030 by any chance?

M42D 5 points ago +5 / -0

Humour is an important armament in the struggle 🙂

M42D 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll probably enter that demon again next year - which will be held in Switzerland, home of CERN, because their 'non-binary' effort 'won' the contest with his crap song 'The Code'.

No symbolism there obviously 🙄

Oh, and the UK's public toilet romp this year was by ultra feminine 'activist' gayling Olly Alexander... aged 33.

We also won't mention that Olly is big chums with the 30 years older than him Russell T Davies, who shoehorns underage gay sex references into everything he writes and somehow gets away with it. Olly was in band called Years And Years which was also the name of a BBC pile of libtard wank a few years ago in which Trump had set off WWIII, written by Davies and featuring a 13 year old male character talking about wanting to let one of the 'action' film 'Chrises'... I bet Davies has known Alexander for 'years and years' alright.

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