magaphraust 6 points ago +6 / -0

They did applaud for the "war" part of the war in ukraine, but not for peace

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think that's a good standard to go by. There have been plenty of unhinged people accusing President Trump and company of all sorts of untrue things, and him not suing them for defamation is not an admission of guilt.

That said, I don't think Flynn is unhinged, and I'm thinking what he is saying is true.

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

The guy's a snake, didn't even apologize. Everything he is saying is already where President Trump was at from the beginning.

I can't even imagine being a Ukrainian citizen now, you have the deepstate portion of the US and EU push for war at every step, half of million of your countrymen die, and now the wealth of you land is being promised away..

I think the US deserves to be reimbursed, but I almost think it should come directly from NATO nations.

magaphraust 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ask yourself why would social media influencers and other political figures “on our side” who claim speak to the “truth” throw a full blown meltdown over not receiving the entire and complete Epstein files on day one?

I mostly agree with what you're saying, but I would guess some people are upset being that the people involved in the release said multiple times they would release it on day 1.

I never thought that would happen, and like you said there are plenty of reasons it could be delayed, but I understand people's frustration. I can't really justify going as far as calling these people "paid opposition". At the same time, you're not really citing any particular examples, so I'm sure what I'm seeing is not the same thing you're seeing

magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're not asking Americans to defend them.. they are asking Americans to continue subsidizing their lifestyles.

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was known like the day after it happened though, but that's prob what is being referred to anyway. People love recycling old news and passing it off as breaking

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's an interesting thought, but I don't really buy the idea that hearing something over and over makes you believe it. Maybe to some people..

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

They said it is reimbursement for work already done so the spending just preserves the status quo.

So seemingly their best excuse as to why they should be given more money, is because they already spent it?! These judges need to be impeached at the absolute bare minimum, but really should be put in jail

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

This data is presented pretty strangely being that 2025 is not even close to over yet.. but I guess if the numbers on 2025 hold then it would be expected to have ~40,000 encounters for the year.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention they purposefully run a deficit and print more money. Inflation is just another tax!

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just to let that sink in, that's $100 every single second, for six years straight, 24/7.

Just the average time it would take people to read the above sentence, that's already $500

magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Couldn't find this posted already anywhere. I'm 45 min in, and really liking it so far! I do think they've been dancing around the criminal aspect of all this wasted government money, but they're getting into it. I love DOGE, and my only disappointment with it has been, "Where are the prosecutions? How is nobody going to jail?" I guarantee if I was committing fraud against the government, then I'd be in jail right now. I love that these payments are being stopped, but I really want some accountability! The people involved know exactly what they are doing, it's not a bunch of innocent bystanders

magaphraust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure it's been said that every single thing in those binders is going to be made public shortly. So I wouldn't see the point of slowwalking or leaving anything out.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

From a business standpoint, why would you not take advantage of that? If he refused it's not like that money would go somewhere better. All green energy BS should not be subsidized at all, so go ahead and cut that too. But I think he'd pretty much have an obligation to shareholders to accept that.

magaphraust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone keeps saying how they're looking forward to uncrowded stores.. That's not going to happen, you won't notice any difference whatsoever. Why? Because these people are in actuality for fewer and less in numbers than anyone thinks they are.

magaphraust 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe.. but I'm pretty sure all these people are on the same team, and would gladly do it for free.

magaphraust 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is so hard to comprehend, so these people had to:

  • Be super into porn
  • Have coworkers super in to porn
  • Be willing to bring up the subject when talking to coworkers in order to identify each other
  • Want to talk about it so bad, that in person conversation is not enough
  • All decide to use company time and resources to chat about it
magaphraust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some true things:

  • The deep state's been in control of the list for multiple years.
  • They had ample warning of President Trump's return
  • They had ample warning of his appointee's desire to release

If it was released right this second, I think I'd still have a hard time believing it was the original and completely accurate. No alterations? No forgeries? I don't know..

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