You wanna know what a tranny in the Navy is really like???
Just look to 'Rachel' Leland Levine an oppurtunist of the lowest caliber, made full Admiral for political gain of this "administration".
Captain Marter EARNED her stripes...
The Fedeal Government has suborned its juridiction and become bigger than the 50 states, all because of the conversion to USA Inc. Corporate decisions made by the BoD (congress) have little to do with We the People...
Is this the culprit??? 😯
The system of serving two terms and returning to your job/farm was the way to go back then, and on up to 1871, when the congress became the BoD of USA Inc, and let the terms of service morph to a lifetime of service with increasing perqs-then the perqs became the 'be all end all' and not the constiuents...
Us oldies know gravity sucks, so the focus of gravity in the deep shadow makes sense, New Madrid 2.0????