The gold bird is a Coastie. the bands on the hats of the front right Army officer denote JAG, the officer behind the left front officer had a hat band denoting DIA. This picture has been sifted through many times.
Edit: Below me vvv is the more coherant rememberings.. 😊
Yet, real American citizens are subjected to massive and long term violations of the 4th Amendment by being singled out for unreasonable search and seizure of personal belongings. The mandate for the TSA should have been sunsetted long ago since they have not stopped even one 'terrorist', have had hundreds of TSA employees arrested for theft, yet now allowing potential bad actors in by the hundreds..
Add to this all the bubbles of debt being unpaid due to delinquency: CC, auto and truck loans, home loans-adding up to trillions of dollars in addition to the 1.5 quadrillion dollars of derivitives; what will be the gasoline on this bonfire of the vanities??
Millenia long inbreeding makes them stupid as well as arrogant and filled with hubris-note the NY AG and the Georgia DA as examples... 😉