monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been thinking about the Left's desire to close all the prisons. You know who makes up the majority of the prison population? Whites, in fact, Aryan brotherhood whites.

Interesting thought when it comes to closing prisons, I am not sure they thought that desire completely through. As with all Lefty wants, they only think on a one-dimension.

I am guessing they really don't want a bunch of Aryan nation prisoners roaming around free in today's climate.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone know how to get their hands on a Zimbabwe gold coin? Might be a good investment.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I must admit. I see that we need something like PP.

When I was young and poor, I went there for my healthcare. It was all I could afford.

What we, the American taxpayer, should not be funding is abortion and this gender indoctrination BS.

I am fine with funding a place where young or underprivileged people can go to get proper healthcare at no to low cost.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just said this in another post.

I would put money on it that old JB has been secretly selling classified docs his entire career to anyone with the checking account to pay him.

Where there is smoke there is fire is not just a cliche, it exists because it is usually true.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

She tries to walk back her comments as Whiteness is a construct. Complete BS.

It is just more of these people who live in the past. Just more juju folktales that they just keep repeating forgetting they live in the 21st century.

monkeycat2010 9 points ago +9 / -0

Agree to the Kudos, Good for you, Fren

I am all for consistency and accessing data about a person to provide better care, but it should be completely private and not shared, certainly not with any government agency.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where are these "new lenders". Surely everyone knows we are over extended. Why would anyone want to lend us money, when the obvious outcome is to default on that debt?

Could it be that these new lenders have assurances that the US gov will take everything away from its citizens in order to satisfy this debt?

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

Am I reading #3 correctly?

"remove respect for dignity, human rights, and fundamentals freedoms of people".

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

After the coverage of the past few days, where they have been talking about how many people have "showed up" for work to do the voting in person, I am starting the get the clue that if this were any other time, the chamber is empty, and these folks are out there just dicking around on our dime.

Didn't they just give themselves a raise? For what, taking as much free time as they can?

They should be in the "office" EVERYDAY, just like many Americans get up and go to work.

What the actual hell are we paying these people for if they are not at work at least a couple days a week?

This "work from home" BS is getting out of hand.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

Check out the TV show Mythical Beasts "Curse of the Vampire".

It sounds like a silly show, but it goes into the myths of beasts from human history and explores their origins.

The vampire episode explores the belief of consuming blood of the young to prolong life. Pretty interesting. Combine it with the recent research on the proof that young blood if beneficial to the aging. I would not put it past people like Kurzweil and his ilk (look him up) to prolong his life with young blood.

monkeycat2010 11 points ago +11 / -0

Agreed. Lord free us from this evil network of lies and liars. Lead us to make the best decisions in rebuilding our communities. Help us to keep your light as guidance for our lives and the strength to be good stewards of this world.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is evidence that nothing will change what they are at their core. No amount of money, civilization, understanding, etc.

This is who they are.


monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

Understand that they are pulling strings. They pull us up, then they pull us down, and there it goes.

Every time you enjoy some hopium, plan on a doom shortly afterwards.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +3 / -1

At this point, I would not be to upset if Putin nuked NYC and Los Angeles and/or Seattle, if it meant the end of most of the Left in this country.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

You too, purkiss80. Thanks for being a great poster and for being kind to me. I wish you and yours all the best for the upcoming year.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why isn't Santa Hispanic? What happened to the Hispanic community? They make up more than blacks.

WTF are they leaving out other minorities.

If it weren't for pathetic, blacks would have nothing.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

I need to fix this tweet.

Government paid Twitter millions of dollars, unfairly taxed out of your paycheck, to censor info from YOU.>

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Round up anyone who cannot produce verifiable proof of citizenship. Back you go.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have been on the wrong side of everything all my life. I have questioned authority all my life. Guess I was just born a skeptic and stubborn mule.

Outlier here.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a machine at UC Davis and its only function is to simulate the atmosphere of Jupiter.

It cost the American taxpayers over 5 billion dollars to build.

Question: Why the actual fuck does the GOVERNMENT need to take (steal) billions of dollars from people who struggle to pay rent, or have to work 2 jobs, or cannot afford a vacation to create a machine that is probably infrequently used and simulates the atmosphere of Jupiter?

Answer: We don't...but someone in our GOVERNMENT doesn't care.

Remove billions of dollars from universities sounds like a great idea.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is not uncommon to put pressure on the lower legs during surgery. I have had a couple where they did this. It is intended to keep from developing clots.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only option this guy has now, is to expose everything.

They all just hem and haw with their deal making and then they turn up dead from a heart attack or a sheet.

These people think that they will be part of the chosen and really, they are just tools in a toolbox.

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