needorganization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably will be seized when SHTF about how they coordinated with foreign entities to get Biden installed.

Only a matter of time.

And then that gets given back to we the people. And a good day it will be.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

He lied. Several folks on X did some digging and... let's just say it sounds like he's like his brother, a grifter.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do, too.

I agree with Ramsey in principle. A lot of people aren't doing what we're doing... but for those of us who do, it really does help. An extra $500-1k a year from cash is nice.

needorganization 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree and disagree. Agree in that having a second set of eyes on the budget may help. Don't agree in spending that money when you're already struggling... There's a lot of free resources out there right now that should help.

I would suggest finding someone, possibly in your church or something, that can go over your budget and just see if there's anything you can cut or ways to better manage things. If you're not already doing it, try Every Dollar (budget app from Dave Ramsey). The reason I like it, over other budget apps, is because you must account for everything... if you don't have the money, you don't have it. Also, I think Dave Ramsey does suggest paying the essentials first (home, food), and then work on the debt from smallest to largest or something like that. Definitely do everything you possibly can to not put anything on a card.

Have cable TV? Cut it. Internet? See if there's free internet for your income bracket. Phones? Sell them and use an old phone if they're worth more than $300. Use pay as you go services (could find plans for $25/month or less, depending on internet needs).

needorganization 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sounds to me like these idiots are asking for ALL of the illegals to be shipped to NYC.

Texas, go ahead. They said they want them.

As for the people yelling, this is what crooked elections and every D voting person has allowed. I hate it, but personally want to see as big of a burden put on these cities until they collapse only because then, and only them, will anything be done to stop the border illegality.

And, then, when that happens, every single illegal should be deported. If they want to be here, come here legally. Don't like it? Shouldn't have came in the first place. The people who brought them here lied to them in the first place to get them here.

I'm in the south, and one of the local Walmarts is nearly unrecognizable. There's so many people who can't speak English and are clearly not from the area. It's very clearly a widespread thing happening.

needorganization 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta get out there and make sure he says this so when the trials begin he can reference it and say, see I told you I said it causes it.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh, this is pre-death jab.

"Researchers" says it's something in article. Probably is diet and other vaccines.

Limit/entirely cut out seed oils and processed foods.

needorganization 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember, as a kid in middle school, watching one of the news casts on the 2001 election. They made a huge deal about him. Always has stuck with me.

Was always weird to me leading up to his election that there was ALWAYS super shady stuff with him (birth cert, pops out of nowhere, don't have a clear dad, past is super cloudy with terroristic ties in the charities he "worked" with, the "church" associated with, etc). Yet so many braindead people did zero research and just believed what they were told.

Just like the 2020 selection. "No one" questions it. No one is ALLOWED to...

What we should all know now: if you're not allowed to question something, there is probably where the skeletons are.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, whoever this guy will call someone a dinosaur if they would be offended otherwise?

Start speaking the TRUTH to people. It literally SETS PEOPLE FREE.

needorganization 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh my. The amount of fake news on here lately is discouraging.

This guy is and has been a grifter. Please stop following these clowns! This guy knows nothing and spreads lies.

needorganization 7 points ago +7 / -0

I read the Booker T. Washington autobiography... if it were mandatory reading in school (as I think it should be), people would see how corrupt things have been and the poverty/slave mindset was never overcome, just replaced by new owners.

It happens to white people too, but the black population has allowed it more because they never got out of this mindset after slavery. It's the reason the Israelites went 40 years thru the wilderness.

I say that to say, MOST of the "black belt" areas are the poorest, most crime ridden, and most corrupt in the country. It's because the slave owners were just replaced and now they are chosen and/or rigged.

needorganization 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why pay more than you have to for an event you caused?

Probably costing them millions just to put those fences up and making sure no one goes into the burned lands and finds more evidence of their crimes.

needorganization 6 points ago +6 / -0

IRS is being armed and trained as the deep state/cabal army.

They know, even with our military in shambles at the moment, they won't do what they want done.

When this is all said and done, it'll be easier to separate the traitors.

needorganization 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, we most definitely don't want to preserve these evil people for another 1 year, much less 50 years.

We most definitely want to restore our REPUBLIC so that we survive another 50 years, though.

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