If anything - the likely next Primeminister Liz Truss is even more rabid on Ukraine than this poster and has been playing the strong woman and saying she'd push the nuclear button and all the other idiocy that goes along with it.
Sunak has been less vocal - he is more a numbers man and an administrator than Truss who is basically just an actress who believes in nothing. He is a died in the wool globalist and a WEF stooge who is big on digital ID and the social credit score. He is very unlikely to be PM partly because he is widely seen as Brutus by the rank and file of the party who will vote for him and in the fine tradition he who wields the knife will never wear the crown.
Boris turned up the other day in Kiev after being AWOL for weeks. Its a clown show here.
Anyone whos in their late 20's-early 30's at this point remembers the rebranding from global warming to climate change and then to climate emergency. I remember many years ago when they rolled out a bunch of kids at the UN to make doomsday predictions about climate change.
I'm sure on average over the next few thousand years the climate will warm up somewhat. The earth currently is in one of its deepest ever ice ages. The last 3 million years have been one of the most brutal ice ages the planet has experienced probably since the end Carbiniferous.
In the grand scheme of things geologically a couple million years from now they might well notice that over 50,000 years there were radical changes to the earths climate followed by a missed ice age and radical changes in terms of land use changes, early humans burned large areas of forrest for hunting and primitive agriculture and have made significant changes to land use patterns with farming and grazing - the camel and horse went extinct in the Americas only to return. They'll also notice a lot of the continental mega fauna seemed to go extinct and there will probably be seed and spore evidence for mono crops and large scale damage to top soils in ocean sediments as well as certain chemical deposits and radiological signatures in sediments as well as probably junk made out of stainless steel or titanium and there will be one hell of a layer of calcium carbonate laid down over the next 100,000 years as carbon is recycled into the oceans. Overall though - nothing remarkable in the geological grand scheme.
Probably not as extreme as an event around 55 million years ago called the PETM where earths climate warmed dramatically to the point there were crocs in the arctic ocean only for things to go back to more average almost as quickly.
Yeah - the way I see it within the Biden administration there are several different factions from the Biden crime family, the Obama holdovers in the shadows, the clintonista faction who control foreign policy and probably the young ideologues who exploit the dysfunction between them to push their agenda. I can't exactly tell which faction told the FBI to do this.
I would guess Denmark - they still use the krone and have several key opt outs from EU laws for now.
Indeed - political and cultural fragmentation has been a key feature of European civilisation where as other great civilisations tended to be more unified. It also inevitably ends up in some sort of "great power conflict" every 100 years or so. On the other hand political disunity has probably created space for human freedom and progress in that time as well.
The only way you can do it is something like the Austro-Hungarian or Ottoman empire where a small disconnected ethnocracy rules the other populations by force.
It's also why I hate the term "white people" - what the fuck is white? A Frenchman and an Englishman are both "white" but we have nothing in common. An Italian and a Frenchman are both white but likewise have nothing in common. Pushing the term "white" on to people seems like a project of globohomo to me. To break down peoples identities and group them into some deracinated pool of watered down cultureless dog shit.
You know I remember seeing documents all the way back in 2005 where the EU was planning to abolish all the national borders and then impose these new regions on Europe like the Swiss cantons only with less rights and the South of England and northern France were both supposed to be part of the same region - like what on earth are you guys smoking? Our countries are literally nothing alike. We speak different languages. In England we play cricket, drink warm beer, drive on the left and don't eat frogs legs. The french even mock us for eating roast beef because that is apparently strange.
It has many features of the USSR - though when the USSR was founded Stalin and his key lieutenants ruled with a rod of iron regardless of what the soviet constitution said and as soviet leaders fell back more on legal principles than naked force the whole thing dissolved. The EU seems to be trying to become soviet but in reverse. It's also run by out and out incompetents and careerists.
Ursula Von Der Leyen for example had the sole political achievement of running the German defence department into the ground and was shuffled off to the EU by Merkel because politically she needed to be moved where she couldn't do any damage. Christine LaGarde who runs the ECB is a convicted criminal and was still promoted to run the EU central bank and has absolutely no idea what she is doing. The people who run Germany Scholtz and some other key wanker in his coalition are total amateurs. Probably the smartest of the mainstream European leaders and the entire G7 actually is probably Macron - he probably just above mid wit grade but he is a former Rothschilds banker, is married to a woman easily old enough to be his mother and he is frankly just a weirdo. You have people like Rutte in the Netherlands and whoever the next British PM is who are just outright WEF shills - even worse thanks to Boris the political class have ruined a post war tradition of British PM's counselling restraint and keeping their options open diplomatically in private - at this point I'm not sure if there is any way back with Putin for Europe.
It's just a dysfunctional mess.
You know for almost a decade the endless crisis in Greece was probably hyped deliberately by the media and the EU even though comparably Greece was inconsequential but the endless focus took the heat off of Italy which has a debt to GDP of 150% currently and has serious problems. Italy is the EU's 3rd largest economy and northern Italy is one of Europes key industrial hubs. When it goes under which it probably will the consequences will be biblical.
I wonder if it's designed to try and create political infighting among their likely opponents - we know the media did the pied piper strategy with Trump. Having DeSantis run for president would also possibly be a way to get him out of Florida. Having one of the key states in the union in terms of EC votes and population run by a guy who does seem to be openly opposing the agenda.
Personally I don't think DeSantis should ever bother running for president - he does far more for freedom and the people of Florida in his current job. The way the US is going down the drain he should probably consider declaring himself king of Florida or president of the autonomous republic of Florida in the future.
Just remember you are dealing with a KGB man when you deal with Putin. Charm and being a ruthless killer go hand in hand. I kind of respect Putin based on his rise to power and the fact he is a man who has almost certainly done his own killing. Our leaders think nothing of ordering peoples deaths for petty reasons but have never had to wash another mans blood off of them.
There is a channel on YouTube called soft white underbelly which interviews all manner of characters in America from the margins of society. Poor families from Appalachia, pimps, prostitutes, addicts. Women who have been the victim of rape and incest and career criminals. My favourite was an interview with a former New York mob boss Michael Franzese, he was just such a calm measured guy even despite the life he had lived. Putin reminds me of the mob boss archetype. It's a dangerous and ruthless business running a state like Russia and challenging the ZOG. If you weren't a thoughtful, calm and considered you wouldn't last.
He is the worlds best tennis player. I wouldn't want to have a drink with him but I'll give him a get out of jail on his arrogance.
I heard rumours that Soros and Gates funded NGO's are pumping cash in to buy up Spanish language radio stations in these Latino dominated areas to push the woke left wing agenda to the Latino population.
I do have to wonder how effective it will be - Seems to me that language is a key weapon for the left in pushing their ideas. Romance languages like Spanish are already gendered to begin with so I'm not sure how well some of their ideology will translate to Spanish speakers.
When the Spanish conquistadors returned to Spain with the looted gold from the Americas it had that effect because economic productivity in the time was stagnant because the industrial revolution hadn't happened yet.
During the industrial revolution the bank of England managed to recover new reserves of gold from South Africa and Australia. The United States also experienced an influx of new gold when it was discovered in California.
Today given how inflated the currency is I would imagine finding a new supply of gold wouldn't be disastrous because we do have a fairly productive economy world wide and gold will probably become a more important function of the economy going forward in order to clear trades between nations trying to evade US sanctions.
Sad but true - this whole concept of "waking up the normies" is false. People are sheep. They are acted upon by those with power. Real change in a country comes from a small group of determined insurgents normally who have backing at the highest levels of power. Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin. etc
George Washington was a British general and many of his colleagues in the continental congress and were the elite of North American society who had significant financial means of their own.
Just to play devils advocate but I don't think taxes have ever been lower in America than when it was under the crown.
I watched a talk given by professor Mattias Desmet last year where he talked about his thesis of how COVID is a "mass formation" - its similar to a form of mass hypnosis. Basically it a symptomatic response to a wide scale psychiatric emergency in our society. Something like 1 in 10 people are on some form of psychiatric medication and many more are probably unmedicated or self medicating.
You could probably find one of his talks on YouTube - bottom line is most of them enjoy this way of living and most of them don't want to go back to the way things are.
About 20% of people for various complex reasons are immune to hypnosis. Who knows the exact reasons - maybe there is a genetic component. Maybe its the way some peoples brains are structured. Maybe its due to childhood trauma. Maybe being a sperg gives you some resistance. My oldest friend who I've known since I was 5 years old had exactly the same reaction I did to all this. He knew something wasn't right from the beginning.
He wouldn't have got big if he wasn't controlled.
Is it even intentional? in a dying empire power becomes extremely centralised in the state and a handful of supra-national organisations and corporations. The battles over this power and the wealth and patronage it affords as well as the risks of losing power make the stakes extremely high. I'm not surprised you have several factions fighting each other and what seems to be different factions of the elites striking at each other - Elon buying twatter, the war in Ukraine. etc
What would be more worrying in my opinion is a single faction rising to dominant power. For example during Obamas regime there was obviously a degree of internal conflict between the Clinton and Obama factions. Likewise during Trumps administration it seemed to me there was a bit of a disconnect between the Jewish lobby represented by Kushner and Trumps own populist tendencies and the fact he was willing to listen to Tucker Carlson and step back from bombing Iran. In the Bush regime things in Iraq got so bad that Bush had to get rid of Donald Rumsfeld and bring in Bob Gates and Patreus to try and do something about the chaos in Iraq and it seemed to me that war with Iran had been scheduled for 2007 but between the worsening fortunes in Iraq that enough people were able to say "No". Just in my time being politically aware it seems to be that the elites have lost their decorum and become more chaotic. Whatever democrat regime takes power in 2024 I think it may be even worse. I remember hearing stories about South Vietnam and how despite the war raging every now and again there would be a political crisis in Saigon and most of the ARVN would abandon their positions and go back to the capital to face off or fight about which general would get to be in charge. You remember the downfall of Rome - how they had the year of the 4 emperors and at various points the empire was divided between 2 or 3 different emperors.
No one in the elite are /our guys/ but the more they fight each other the more they generate space for human freedom for the proles.
I think the true dysfunction behind the Biden regime is the fact that multiple factions are actually in active conflict at the same time in his administration. As bad as Obama is, if he we actually the sole puppet master things would not be as bad as they are. For example I don't think despite his radical social and economic agenda Obama wasn't actually all that interested in regime change. That is the Clintonista faction who are the neo-cons obsessed with going to war with Russia. I think you also have the Biden crime family who are using sleepy Joe to their advantage and I think you also have some of the staffers who are a new generation of left wing radicals also pushing things that not even Obama or Clinton would be insane enough to try.
Nations always do spy on each other a little - that said. Spying on the French is probably not the worst idea but spying on the Danes is a waste of resources. Denmark is not like France or the US. It's a fairly high trust society with an open economy and no real enemies. The Danes are also notoriously quite blunt. If you asked their government something in private they would probably give you a straight answer.
Lee Kwan Yew the first PM of Singapore gave an interview once where he castigated American intelligence for its corrupting influence on countries institutions after a senior intelligence officer reported to his superiors that the CIA tried to recruit him even though Singapore was a close ally of both the US and Britain and Australia. He went on to say that the US had no discretion in how it went about foreign relations with other nations compared to the worlds other major powers.
For example my guess is the foreign office here in Britain probably had someone who kept an ear to the ground in Singapore or maybe someone in the RAF brass - probably had a few friends there who would talk shop and probably swap information on what was going on in London or at the Commonwealth office or at the MOD over a coffee or a few pints of Tiger. No need for corrupting influences or money.
You know I can't help but think there isn't some sort of biblical lesson here - throughout recorded human history how many people have tried to achieve paradise in this life and has it actually ended well for any of them? California tried to achieve paradise in this life and now damnation the likes of which can hardly be imagined will rain down upon them. Maybe thousands of years from now holy books will talk about California's folly how the state and its people were reduced to columns of salt.
The elites will enjoy it. You can be sure they won't have their living standards or power compromised like the proles.
Yeah - FDR's administration backed the Japanese into a corner. They were reading Japans diplomatic cables and knew what was coming. Honestly its shocking the leadership of Japan actually held off the dogs as long as they did.
Sounds like the government to me.
Occupy Wall Street definitely scared the elites but it was very quickly infiltrated and subverted. The tea party was just greedy boomers who wanted to hold onto all the socialist goodies they had coming but would foam at the mouth and scream communism if millennials asked for any help.
They'll redouble their efforts working with big tech behind the scenes. I think it was a trial balloon as OP said. If I had to put my finger on exactly why they backed away from it so fast. I think it was because (((Jancowitz))) was just to cringe. She made the regime look completely stupid. She is literally as cringe as it gets. Humour is often one of the most effective weapons against these people. They just cannot stand being mocked.