operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also wonder if ADHD diagnoses weren't partly rooted in the deep seated resentment of typically feminist teachers had for boys. That they jumped at the chance to medicate them and turn them into zombies as a way to get back at men that they blame for all of their own problems. I also think kids are fed way to much sugar as well. It might not help.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

They think that is what made Venus into its current nightmare - there is some thin evidence that Venus probably had oceans 3 billion years ago but increasing solar flux from the sun (which has increased 20% since the sun was born and will continue to increase) boiled them off. Water vapour being a greenhouse gas probably caused the runaway effect although Venus also shows evidence of catastrophic volcanism which has resurfaced a lot of the planet within the last 500 million years as well.

The trend for the last 30 million years has seen earth be significantly colder than has been the norm over the last 500 million years.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both my grandfathers were chartered engineers - neither went to university. They started working in industry at 14 after leaving school and apprenticing and then as they got older and progressed they would go to a combination of night school and "day release" in order to gain a higher national diploma or something similar from a polytechnic. My one grandfather joined the army in 1938 and actually progressed very quickly when he had an aptitude for radio and radar which were new and experts were thin on the ground. Radio communications were rapidly expanded in the British army after the disaster of 1940. He built a radar station in Egypt from "flat pack" basically and then the Germans bombed it! He was someone who could read some books and obscure technical manuals and work it all out. He also taught himself German. He would never talk about what he got up to in Europe after he landed on Gold beach in mid June 1944. I suspect he may have done classified work.

So by the time both of them got their chartered status they actually had plenty of practical experience behind what the job entailed and had spent time working for actual chartered engineers learning the ropes of that job as well and both had plenty experience of having to work it out for themselves instead of being spoon fed.

The way many engineers are trained to day is a disaster - you need experience at the sharp end before you progress up to being an engineer. The older engineers I work with often rant and rave about things being designed by someone who had read a book but has no actual experience with press tooling or hydraulics or whatever.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah - Usury should be illegal. In fact not just illegal but there should be a cultural prohibition on it so as to be so taboo that a man fucking his own mother would be less disgusting. It's the only way to root this evil out of our society. The way money works has corrupted everything.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did the Chinese actually come and build these tunnels and train lines like they did in Africa or did they just finance it? When it comes to Melbourne - nothing would surprise me.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suppose in the cold war conflicts were isolated and fought by proxys. There was always a danger of one of these conflicts expanding in scope and becoming a world war though. We came awfully close several times. I think fundamentally there were enough sane people in the Soviet system that cooler heads always prevailed.

I don't think there are many sane people in the ZOG or in the globalist cabal. I think these people are really out of touch with the world and have been smoking to much of their own belly button lint. I don't know how much longer it will be before something snaps.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't expect to survive. I just can't stand waiting. I wish they'd just get it over with.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

I get the sentiment. Most people will not like the war or the world that results from it after but I'm starting to get the feeling a war is inevitable one way or another. Just like the great war and the second war and the cold war were all inevitable and you could have seen them coming a mile off.

operation_eland 12 points ago +12 / -0

Every time I go to the supermarket I buy tinned food. Every time I fill up with petrol I fill an extra fuel can. Between logs, fuel, tinned food my property is pretty crowded. The soviet famine lasted from 1931 to 1934 but was worst in 1932-33. Maybe I might be a bit hungry between what I have stashed and my fruit trees and vegetable patch but I won't starve.

In Europe they are definitely going to add power blackouts and no heating to the mix as well with the gas crisis. China has had shortages of coal and petrol/diesel.

operation_eland 1 point ago +2 / -1

She certainly has borderline personality disorder and is narcissistic in the extreme.

These are the people who are going to rule once the boomers die off in the next few years and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

A permanent state of destabilised perception is probably the goal in of itself. To prevent anyone from being able to come to any conclusions about the world. Using the chaos to push through their agenda.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would be more in the category of not so. Dead men tell no tales. Can you imagine how dangerous it would be if McVeigh was found alive? I'm not disagreeing that OK city was a false flag and I know McVeigh was sheep dipped and in the employ of the USG at the time of the bombing but rule number 1 of assassination is always kill the assassin. Whoever fired the killing shot from the grassy knoll was probably dead before the end of the day. Imagine if someone like Jim Garrison had picked him up. Motherfucker would be squealing like a stuck pig to stay out of the electric chair.

operation_eland 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wouldn't it be the peak of all irony. Rittenhouse is acquitted. ANTIFA and BLM show up to Kenosha and start burning and looting and someone caps another couple Jewish terrorists outside the judges house.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't deny women with the capability for abstract thinking exist. I'm saying that they are extremely rare. Autism and high IQ's and the ability at abstract thinking are much rarer in women than they are in men. Women trend average. Men are more widely distributed on the Bell Curve meaning exceptional men and low quality men are more common. Exceptional women in that area are probably at a ratio of 1 woman to every 20 men.

Womens domain is the home. Mens domain is the civilisation. This is where talents are best focused. Instead our civilisation devotes enormous resources to having women out there LARPing as men.

You are either arguing in bad faith or got lost trying to find r/politics if you believe any of that. Women make up the majority in higher education. Women control the HR departments at corporations. Diversity quotas are very much a thing. I've seen it at work first hand - between the diversity hires and the bean counters the company I work for is dying on its feet.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember on an episode of Deadliest Catch watching the Time Bandit or one of the other boats ploughing through an ice flow which had come down unexpectedly and watching what was happening to the steel of the hull inside the bow. Every one on board was bricking it. Thank god for modern metallurgy and the ductility steel has.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact is few if any women have the capability for abstract thinking that typically male dominated careers have. A womans reproduction is virtually assured whatever she is in terms of looks or intelligence. Yet for tens of thousands of years probably the only men who reproduced were either incredibly physically dominant or were clever enough to think their way out of problems and the fact is most women throughout history reproduced. Most men didn't.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a tabloid scandal here in the UK where one of the footballers wives was having stuff she was doing on her private social media leaked to the papers. She banned everyone from her private social media one by one until eventually she narrowed it down to another footballers wife. This woman then claimed that it wasn't her that as part of her marketing deals various other people had access to her social media accounts and someone there must have been doing it.

I wonder if these celebrities all have their accounts managed by a PR firm who will put out some of this propaganda every now and again in addition to what said celebrity puts out on their own.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sulu was great in Undiscovered Country. Maybe seeing it as a kid allows me to separate the character from what an insufferable nit the actor is.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was an even worse disaster in the UK. The Ibrox disaster in 1971 - I think over 60 people died. Hillsborough was pretty bad. A lot of fans travelled without tickets and tried to get in - scousers. Admittedly scousers are nothing but trouble makers and were not entirely innocent in what happened. There was a rush, the police match commander ordered the gates opened and large numbers of people were crushed up against the fence surrounding the ground. In those days most fans stood, violence was normal at the games and a fence surrounded the stands to prevent pitch invasions. Many died from being crushed against the fence.

The police, the government and media engaged in a campaign to smear the incident as hooliganism. The Sun printing lies and falsehoods about the dead at the behest of the Thatcher government. Took decades to clear their names. Both Yorkshire and West Midlands police were made to pay compensation - either for causing the disaster or covering up the true nature of what happened.

Honestly this whole thing seems very weird.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

Coming from Europe where high fructose corn syrup hasn't invaded our food chain like it has in the states I can definitely taste it in the food in America.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

I must admit I'd have an easier time shooting a man than a dog. People are bad, dogs don't really understand the difference like right and wrong. A lot like a 5YO.

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