Our enemies are laughing in their boots.
Are the Amish healthy?
If so, NO.
The other possibility is that Trump has been using DECLAS docs since the day after he was elected President to blackmail horrible people to do his bidding - and that this is all just one crazy, degenerate, heartbreaking, INTERACTIVE "reality show" meant to gently wake up the masses to the reality that this is the devil's planet.
Blood and Circus
Don't forget - that's SIR Jimmy Saville
It's to create a false narrative. He did this because he needs to distance himself so that people won't get curious about what he has been up to.
Whenever a gunidiot says to ban mag sizes I ask them "a metal box with a spring in it? Almost anyone can make one of those in a half an hour"
The cross eyed asian girl was kinda cute, but she's Swallwell quality... so
Oh Well.
Any time I see this word salad and I start to wonder what it means, I remind myself that I don't eat salad and I simply move on.
That male is simply jealous that Women were designed to be able to keep their babies alive.
When speaking to someone out in public I call them the pedo-class or luciferian baby rapers. I tie them all to Epstein and Baal-enciaga
I don't want them to instantly know what I am talking about, I want them to ask so I have free reign to explain exactly what I mean.
I finish by saying there is one more thing but that I won't say it out loud - Revelation 3:9. It forces them to actually search on their phone. I love watching the looks on their faces when they read it.
It sets legal precedence to release the taxes of a President. And if a Presidents taxes can be released ANYONE working for Goverzilla is next.
It doesn't bother me.
Just like the fact that I hope they arrest him as well. THEY will be stuck in a room with him. ((discovery)) sounds delicious.
anonup.com is social media without content moderators. The people are the moderators and it's been running this way for about two years now. The users can "vote you off the island".
This is not an advertisement for them, simply saying that this concept has been tested now for years. My experience is that it is effective.
Samsung made a TV where the screen is also a camera.
Sony and Microshaft made game consoles that have a connected device that does the same.
The real Q is- how do we figure out if the electronic device is secretly connecting itself to Goverzilla or other creepy crawler hidden network?
Defund Goverilla = no $$$$ for ngo's
Every time the uniparty is up to no good, which we all know is ALWAYS, and this guy shows up, he puts them right on their heels. At this point his walking into the building changes their demeanor. i don't believe that he's gone too far, hopefully he won't.
He literally walks right up to those that call us their enemy. Don't like his approach? show him how to do it better.
The proof that Milo was never on our side is the old pics of him sitting in a bath tub full of blood.
He was so that bad at basketball that the gatekeepers to the game looked at each other and said "I bet he'd look pretty in a dress, let's keep him"
Always use your enemy to achieve your purpose.
Look up baal enci aga in a Latin to Engish translator.
We are just as enslaved as the Chinese Citizens, we just don't know it yet (well you and I and our Pedes do, but not the masses). Ours is more subterfuge than in-your-face. But don't worry - that part is coming. And then the sheeple will understand.
One and the same.
This is AWESOME!
We now have precedent to demand what should have been happening all along - ALL elected officials should be scrutinized.
I'm not one bit worried about the tax return of a billionaire that became an elected official, but the Uniparty should be VERY afraid of the boomerang!
Maybe they worship the same beast.