platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

We live with the tension of knowing there will be a 'suddenly' (either before or after 2024) and also the understanding that the Plan entails cabal submission happening under the existing frameworks. The best win for WHs occurs under the DS' own game rules as it means their own system has failed them and will forever be tarnished in their own minds; they won't even want to resurrect it. If the framework/rules are changed too much before they fall, people can always point the finger and claim laws were changed for a 'political' win. 45 has to do a delicate dance through the quagmire of corrupt systems and we don't know when enough of that will have happened to fully secure the win. I could even see a scenario where 45 appears to lose 2024 but enough court work has been laid in certain states to see proper legal investigations maybe up to SCOTUS to finally, properly overturn the rigged election. If that happens we mustn't lose heart. I would love a suddenly right now, but the best, most pure win for our children and grandchildren comes from the long game.

platinumbubble 12 points ago +12 / -0

Are they trying to appeal to ordinary young, white males to join up, sign up for war? Meh.

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

Re: the delta, 45 mentioned co-incidences last night. He will hold a rally on the night of a debate - it 's a co-incidence, not :-)

platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is 'Greta' admitting to autism?

platinumbubble 7 points ago +7 / -0

To read the post we have to give them our house address? Looks like an interesting site, but why do they have to know where we live? Meh.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a chess piece move. The speaker is 3rd in line to be President. If they jail/house arrest 45, there is enough evidence on Biden/Kamala to have them quickly deposed. Mike Johnson can immediately pardon 45. It's an insurance policy. Check mate.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people have an inner drive to be their own boss. You need to figure out if you have that or are happy to work for other people l/t. Learn a skill that people need, be an apprentice, but if you want to work for yourself, keep your goal to branch out on your own at some point. You may fail and have to get a job again, that's OK, you may fail a few times. Just keep getting back up on your feet and moving forward however you can. Keep an eye on how technologies will change your role/job. I also recommend turning to Jesus Christ as your savior, repenting for your sins, being baptized in water and by the Holy Spirit and praying for His favor. Get prayer from a good pastor/minister if your parents or g'parents had debt or were in poverty. People can unknowingly carry generational problems like that forward at a spiritual level. I pray you are able to make some great decisions about your life and that you are successful in what you end up doing.

platinumbubble 7 points ago +9 / -2

If you've followed "1-oh-7" (eye-roll) for years then how come you aren't bored or tired of all things he got wrong? I listened a few times back in the day. He was oh-so confident, so well yet mysteriously connected to high sources and he knew so much that we didn't know. But it was always wrong in the end wasn't it. Why do people need him in their lives? What does he give his listeners that keeps them going back for more nonsense?

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

@cringrepublic, I think you are right, it's good to have agreed gender roles. There is crossover in any good marriage and you can find exceptions where say a masculine husband likes his wife being a mechanic. However for the sake of society it's a bad thing to for that to be common. If women do 'male' jobs it undermines the need for men. People may say it doesn't, that men will always be needed, but men will see women doing their kind of work and it will undermine their sense of unique male purpose. For boys learning what a male is, it's demoralizing, distracting or will push them to look elsewhere for meaning. They learn early on that masculinity is labelled toxic and at the same time female aggression towards men is viewed more positively now than in the past. We are in a terrible place in the West where people are not marrying and having families to the extent we need them to. Men need to take the heavy load in the workplace and women need to be homemakers. It just is what it is. Exceptions that do not look like failures (yet) do not make that untrue.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

He has a different priority than the truth? If we could just unite around the truth like progressives unite around lies, we would get on so much better.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess we don't let them inject us with anything, but other than that i don't know what can alter it... and the post can also be read that we should protect [them] from knowing our DNA, but presumably the ship has already sailed on that one for those who have given blood or had blood tests? And then DNA could have a double meaning as yet unrealized? I've never seen any digs on alternative meanings.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean a bit like when 'portant people left Maui just before the fires? Hmm. Was there s'posed to be someting goin down? Oh dear #TheyGettinDesperate ?

platinumbubble 5 points ago +5 / -0

I love this video, have shared it before but it hasn't gone down so well with normies or sadly ordinary Christians in my experience. One of my biggest disappointments to date is how so few see what 45 is actually doing. Maybe that doesn't matter, but even now people who see the lockdown nonsense for what it is raise his support for the arm juice as an issue and it doesn't matter what I say, they believe he is a part of the problem, not the solution. I know their perception may change ultimately, but sometimes I wonder if they ever will come round to the full truth. Thanks for sharing this lovely video once more.

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