I doubt if many Harris voters are on Truth Social, so the greater proportion of people who would see the message would be people more likely to vote for him.
I don't know why we get so worked up in the republic vs. democracy terminology. A republic is a type of democracy, just as a square is a type of rectangle. True, a republic isn't a direct democracy, in which all decisions are made by all voters, giving rise to the possibility of the Tyranny of the Majority. It is rather an indirect/representational democracy, in which the voters choose their representatives to govern on their behalf. A constitutional republic is an indirect democracy which is bound by constitutional laws dictating what the government can and cannot do. But it is still a democracy, and ultimately subject to the will of the people. Just read the first three words of the Preamble or the closing words of the Gettysburg Address if you have any doubts about this.
Did he shut down the country, or did the Democrat and RINO governors and mayors do that?
The term was used back on the r/The_Donald subreddit, well before GAW began, and it's short for "centipede". It came originally from this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/vJhoLUgeIhc. The video shows footage of Trump along with a voiceover about centipedes as "predators" and "nimble navigators".
Unfortunately, "pede" is also a slang term from French, related to the words "pederasty" and "pederast" of Greek origin.
The users of GAW, insofar as they are aware of either meaning of the word, use it almost always with the former meaning. I'm sure more than a few use the term without knowing of either origin just after observing its usage here at GAW and repeating it.
I don't see anything in the video itself to suggest what you're saying, though it does say so in the video description. I'd wait for corroborating sources before confirming this.
So, did the agency infiltrate the group in large numbers, thus giving rise to claims of entrapment and suspicions that the agents were the planners and provocateurs, or were they so incompetent at vetting their employees that they allowed high levels of infiltration? Neither scenario sounds that great for them.
This would be more like reformatting. It makes sense that they used an application that allows editing by adding images, which is why we see an overlay covering up the other user's name. It appears that the same application also allows text editing. Whether they edited the text in question is a different matter, and that would require forensic analysis.
It is interesting that they pasted the info into such an application rather than used screenshots of the original. Perhaps this suggests that this conversation was taken from a database, other messages existed between these two, or taking a screenshot would risk revealing this person's identity.
Not just goodness, but innate goodness. Wow.
Hello, tech support? My echo chamber appears to be broken, please fix it.
Interesting that for some liberals, Twitter is a "private company" when it comes to censorship/the First Amendment, but is somehow also a "public medium" requiring government oversight.
I don't know anyone going for certain, but I've heard that Maggie may.
Any guarantee that that's him? Kinda odd that the "I" in "Tiger" is capitalized.
I didn't realize that science had such a poor memory.
The wording is strange, like it wasn't written by a native English speaker.
I don't know how the one implies the other. Plus, there might be action with regard to the 2020 and 2022 elections underway from which he must not associate himself.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
At face value, her party lost the majority in the House, so she will lose the position of Speaker of the House, hence fired. As to any read-between-the-lines meanings, who knows.
We were told to vote, but we weren't told that it will lead to the immediate outcome we expect. Soldiers don't always get to know the full details behind their orders.
Sucks that we can clearly see the precipice but not everyone can just yet. It sounded from the speech that we can expect things will get worse before they get better. I'm sure they're not just doing it this way for kicks--"it had to be this way."
Are anons expecting Trump to be the one to announce everything? Drop #6 says that POTUS must remain neutral for optics. There are plenty of other ways things can come to light.
Unless the running is also for optics.
Forget the 72-hour rule, we can't even make it 72 minutes anymore apparently.
Too many smaller, separate outcomes, some of which have been slow-rolled with different timings. The Brazilian election had one main outcome, which was announced within a reasonable, predictable window of time.
Many thanks!
This is doing the opposite. The meme is being sarcastic, essentially saying that anyone who had called Hegseth's tattoo a Nazi Cross was lying to defame him.