rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

1st, step down, confess, out NATO/NWO, biolabs, deliver evidence, apologize to the Russian Christian churches and Ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens terrorized and murdered, making Russia respond.

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same Plan, different puppet... https://twitter.com/austerrewyatt1/status/1721251703394074754

Wyatt @austerrewyatt1 ...The Rothschild's, and other family names you know… are not the top of the pyramid… they are fingers of hidden hands… operating separate, but controlled by the same hive mind...

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

here is a general idea State by State Fight like a Flynn... https://imgur.com/a/ttQjXKU

rick400tec -1 points ago +2 / -3

I Believe the Military contacted Trump to run originally. and i know 'the military is the only way', but i fear they lost this battle in the war. As General Flynn now preaches no military and Trump (video) focuses on 2024. I think Plan A failed and now it may fall to us.?.?.

Video > https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1719579082717851712 https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1719689458310672652

General Mike Flynn @GenFlynn This video below of @realDonaldTrump is a sobering message for ALL Americans.

Like trump or not, for him to be speaking like this is a sign of the times we currently face.

America is under siege by a takeover of our federal system of government as well as many of the institutions that benefit from the USG.

There is a criminalization of government service that has occurred over time (we see it in the Biden family—we see it in many others, all parties), we see it in the case of many elected and unelected servants (national to local).

Subverting one’s privileged position by allowing oneself to be compromised by committing a corrupt or criminal act is wrong and those responsible must be held accountable.

There are also ideological underpinnings of socialism and communism that have permeated all aspects of our society. This is the more damaging, dangerous, and longer term problem we face. It’s real, otherwise trump would not sound so visibly concerned. He should be, as should every single American who still cherishes freedom should be.

The rise of many of these issues above (and others) is past the point of concern. This rapid rise is destructive to our democracy and the constitutional republican form of government we’ve embraced now for nearly 250 years.

Everything we’ve sacrificed for is now under assault.

If you still wish to complain or offer snarky comments, be my guest, but my counsel to those awake and concerned, in this moment, at this time, is to stand up and speak out still leveraging your first amendment right of fee speech and to do so properly while you still can.

Get involved in your local communities. Engage your local sheriffs and law enforcement professionals. Engage inside your churches, your various local political offices…do what you can while there is still time.

Local Action = National Impact

@TuckerCarlson @mirandadevine @laralogan @LeeSmithDC @JackPosobiec @charliekirk11 @RogerJStoneJr @floydbrown @gatewaypundit @EpochTimes @elonmusk @RealCandaceO @JosephJFlynn1 @BarbaraRedgate @realflynnpac

VIDEO: @LauraLoomer WATCH: President Trump just released a new video on Truth Social about how Soros funded political operatives in Colorado are trying to kick him off the ballot in 2024! Read my post below to see how radical political operatives fund their anti-Trump operations with dark money! VIDEO > https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1719579082717851712

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Backchannel" as a searchable Thing. IDKT. thank you. Been qtard from the beginning but mostly on my own, This Backchannel IS Important. Would be awsome if qposters woke up and posted something on GFlynn, or just a simple timely task we could unite on in a Huge way.

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

God, please save our country. left up to US, the corrupt will rule forever.

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

first time i have wanted to down vote a post in a year...

rick400tec 3 points ago +3 / -0

the building looks moth-balled, like a boat winterized to keep the weather out. makes outside construction kind of difficult

rick400tec 2 points ago +2 / -0

? realhistorychan ? promoting hitler? = pass https://www.realhistorychan.com/hitler-posters-1-3.html "HITLER PAINTINGS Invite the spirit of "The Great One" into your home with one of his beautiful paintings on quality photo matte stock."

by panamax
rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0


Chicken littles only focus on microcosm of last 150 years, from an all time low trying to make it look like the end of the world

rick400tec 2 points ago +2 / -0

i do not want to hear this. i do not want to believe this. Truth and Justice for all..

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

does the FBI have his laptop also? i thought i heard his perpetrators were found dead?

rick400tec 3 points ago +3 / -0

wondering if moved troops to blitz into new location rather then return

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

how are the parts in RED of the two posts related? if they are? My facebook says Scavino posted at 12:46. anyone else show time different from 12:43? if not, it's just me.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

stated collection www.allthingsvegas.com www.aupetitparieur.com www.beforeitsnews.com www.bigleaguepolitics.com www.canadafreepress.com www.concomber.com www.conservativefiringline.com www.dailylol.com www.ipatriot.com www.mamieastuce.com www.naturalblaze.com www.patriotnationalpress.com www.populistpress.com www.thegatewaypundit.com www.thelibertydaily.com www.toptenz.net www.vitamiiin.com www.westword.com www.wltreport.com www.writerscafe.org

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

how many corrupt politicians, judges, federal agents, ceo's and news media can you bribe, blackmail and take out with the federalReserve’s trillion dollar a year profits? all of them?

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

what are the odds? March 20, 2006 = 17 years June 14, 1946 = 76 years

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