rick400tec 2 points ago +3 / -1

I never heard the theory of Israel being involved in JFK assassination before until last week. I only knew that Obama Hillary was responsible this makes much more sense. Saving Israel for last

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel like a mushroom kept in the dark and fed bullshit, or maybe starving from a lack thereof. I see no movements to improve election credibility here in Michigan as the Democrats are in charge. I don't even see any movements out there to primary out RINOs, leaving Trump in a position that everything he does will just just be undone by the next Democrat Administration. Hoping praying for a mass d-class or military movement to save the day

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

some lib was bitching about MTG and I thought as an insurance policy she would make a Good VP. WHAT Deep State/Dem would want President Flynn if anything happened to President Trump? They have always done it to us, we can't have another milk toast VP.

rick400tec 3 points ago +3 / -0

I vote YES! Boycott them all. But this shouldn't be all on the truckers shoulders. I don't know what common Joe cue public can do outside of writing and being ignored by elected officials.

rick400tec 2 points ago +2 / -0

And if there is a Julian Assange angle might this be 10 days of darkness triggering? Season

rick400tec 13 points ago +13 / -0

I heard a pundit on Fox News given interesting statistic yesterday she said the number of newborns in the United States are 10,000 a day and the loss of our senior citizens and accidents are about 8,000 a day giving us a net of 2000 a day. This new bill would allow two and a half times that of illegals daily. Of course the correct answer or goal should be zero illegals, of course. Also seen a video on Truth social citizen in Colorado talking to law enforcement something like a dozen Al-Qaeda have been apprehended there, illegals. Proof terrorists have come over the southern border, question is how many?

rick400tec 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can a sitting president be Speaker of the House? (so many, too many rumors) I Seriously want to see Trump as Speaker and the whole J6 and more Declass from the inside.

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

Define Epstein file drops. Black book, evidence of guilt? or Endless possible suspect lists will do nothing but put everyone to sleep.

by BQnita
rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many MS-13 and Middle East terrorists and Chinese soldiers have come across the border in the last month or 3 years? Or since Q last posted over a year ago? Call me any names you like but seeing nothing doing nothing doesn't seem right to me

rick400tec 1 point ago +2 / -1

Precursor before going after the vatican? I know they are sovereign but they are also surrounded and corrupt

rick400tec 2 points ago +2 / -0

i do not see anyone firing at a festival here, i can not tell if terrorists or civilians are being shot at, from this video alone.

rick400tec 1 point ago +1 / -0

1st, step down, confess, out NATO/NWO, biolabs, deliver evidence, apologize to the Russian Christian churches and Ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens terrorized and murdered, making Russia respond.

rick400tec 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same Plan, different puppet... https://twitter.com/austerrewyatt1/status/1721251703394074754

Wyatt @austerrewyatt1 ...The Rothschild's, and other family names you know… are not the top of the pyramid… they are fingers of hidden hands… operating separate, but controlled by the same hive mind...

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