Rootcause 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jeff Landry, now Governor, was the Attorney General during the covid scamdemic. He was a champion for individual liberty. His office issued a legal opinion which stated that all of the COVID measures/mandates were "likely illegal and unconstitutional". I printed a copy of the legal opinion and had it in my truck! LOL. Staff Attorneys even had the courtesy to response to my emails at that time.

Rootcause 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously it was placed in that particular spot for maximum exposure.

Rootcause 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely - entire Federal departments can either be eliminated (Dept of Ed is a great example) or have their budgets cut by a substantial amount. Government(s) are incredible wasteful. And as far as foreign items costing more it will motivate American companies to produce the same product(s) here.

Rootcause 2 points ago +2 / -0

OMG - you are correct! Sorry.

Rootcause 1 point ago +2 / -1

Finger Lakes - child sex trafficking - Hunter Biden (reportedly has tattoos of Finder Lakes on his back.... Racine supposedly is a hub for Deep State activities. Can someone else weigh in?

Rootcause 9 points ago +9 / -0

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, aka DARPA! That's ALL I need to know. It is ALL Bravo Sierra. Of course the sheeple don't know that....

Rootcause 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would not surprise me! These people are evil according to Q! I just sent in samples to have myself tested for parasites. I probably wasted my $$ because at 72 I'm bound to have picked up parasites somewhere along life's journey. In some countries its' routine to detox from parasites every 4 to 6 months. But it's not a common practice here because after all we are not a "3rd world country". Yeah right! We are now one of the most unhealthy countries on earth.

Rootcause 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes so if Chlorine Dioxide is good for water purification I can see where it would be good for the purification of our bodies which is 90% water.

So here we have the possibility of a cheap & effective solution to many illnesses which would cause us to reject the expensive "solutions" offered by big medicine/big pharma. Seems like it's another case of "follow the $$". Profits over people.

Rootcause 11 points ago +11 / -0

I remember when this came to light during the scamdemic. I actually researched the chemical makeup of Chlorine Dioxide and that of "bleach". I was a "C" student in Chemistry but my understanding is that Bleach is NaOCl and Chlorine Dioxide is ClO2. Two entirely different chemicals. If you've ever been camping you might have used some water purification tablets - which is Chlorine Dioxide.

This goes to show how evil the MSM is.

Rootcause 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wow 7 out of 10! Well 7 plus 10 equals 17. So maybe there's hope.

Rootcause 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to worry AOC - you have other skills. You can always go back to tending bar...

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