rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +4 / -1

More comms?

B-1 bomber crashed at 5:50. I don't know if I'm going crazy but I see coms in something every day. Reminds me of the PI movie.

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

If out of the country and not a victim I'm guessing Naomi Campbell.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So who is Doe 107? Any guesses? Oprah, Ellen, Hillary, Huma?

edit Never mind, I see that 107 is possibly a victim. But this document does not read as her being a victim??? https://x.com/leslibless/status/1742404147750613211?s=20

rupedoggydawg 12 points ago +12 / -0

To me he's the republican version of Obama. I don't trust him.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

And I see it everywhere. Customers and vendors all have the same problem. I do the job of 4 people now. Bless you for doing it the right way. I hope your employer appreciates you.

rupedoggydawg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think something like this needs to happen and will bring about suicide weekend. Not enough people care about the children (I'm heartbroken abortion passed in Ohio), not enough people care about corruption, not enough people care about the border, not enough people care about voter fraud...Not enough people care at all. But break the illusion of their money system and it may wake them up. Break the ability for them to purchase all the needless crap, the streaming services, the latest iphone, all the stuff that keeps us asleep.

When I look at our workforce, I see a bunch of lazy, broken people. They don't want to thrive and succeed in life. They just want to be on their phones all the time. They are consumers of nothingness and producers of nothing. We give a $200.00 bonus a month if you can clock in and out on time. 90% of our general laborers can't do it and don't care to. This system has broken them. They are slaves to it and are content to be. It's time we break the system. I know it will hurt me tremendously in the short term, but for my children and their children, I want to make that sacrifice. NCSWIC.

rupedoggydawg 5 points ago +6 / -1

Running the type of businesses that Trump has and his business background are some of the reasons why I thought he was qualified. Tucker has nothing in his background that would make me feel comfortable with running a business, state, or country. Choosing someone on feels and emotion seems rather leftist to me.

rupedoggydawg 5 points ago +8 / -3

Like the guy, but I don't see how he would be qualified.

rupedoggydawg 15 points ago +15 / -0

I can't imagine being a young person just starting off in the world. Rent is outrageous, the prices of a car, even used, is through the roof. Groceries and goods are nuts. If you do the math for the average starting salary vs bills, it just does not compute. I held onto my first home that will be paid off in 5 years. I'm holding onto it for my boys to have an affordable place to live if they stay in the area. Right now a 3 bedroom house in my old neighborhood is renting out for $2,400.00 a month. That is insane to me.

rupedoggydawg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Didn't Goliath have six fingers? Maybe it's to show we've been fighting the descendents of the Watchers. Just spit balling.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a waste of time. You have received no real information from the site. If you had, you would share it instead of doing a disservice. Frankly I can't believe you are allowed to be a mod.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's all a tail. The whole website is a tail with hidden junk made for you to chase. Again, what revelation has the site produced to open eyes? It could easily be a black hat operation as it could be a white hat operation. https://www.cyberdefensemagazine.com/publishers-trip-report-black-hat-usa-2023/

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really have learned nothing from that site. What truly have you learned? I was all into 2 years ago. Dug dug dug. But I admit I was wrong about it. There is nothing really truly valuable there.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not a gotcha if you can prove it's worth.. So provide information of it's worth. I've looked through it when I found it 2 years ago. Dug into Samuels. Dug into Gary S Miliefsky. It's interesting but I don't see anything impactful. There is nothing there except distraction and tail chasing, unless you can shed some light on what "they" have really contributed on the site. Share what you have gained from the site. What you have really learned from Ingersol Lockwood that you didn't know prior? Be a provider of information instead of a gatekeeper of misinformation.

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