s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

TBH, two consenting adults ought to do what they want, so as long they don't go outraging the public's moral sensibilities.

One adult and one minor? Yeah, nah, grease up that forehead and crank the dial up to 10.

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a reason why Obama and his "wife" made funding the arts such a high priority.

Laundering and funding all of the perverted things they do and support.

s33daforest 4 points ago +4 / -0

IMO, Obama could very well be ONE of the "big guy" plants. If he's coming from abroad, my guess is that he's just another well-funded emissary with extremist intentions.

By now, I'd imagine "they" have at-least several dozen more in the college / university pipeline and looking at other families with potential as they get ready to give birth to their offspring.

Billions and trillions of dollars at risk? They are definitely planning things out decades and even centuries ahead.

s33daforest -7 points ago +1 / -8

No reason? The county said otherwise. The warrant was granted on the basis that no less than at-least one unlawful transaction was committed without the proper licensing.

Watch the video. Dog approaches in a scared and nervous manner, then lunges at the LEO with mouth open and teeth exposed.

Justified shoot all day, every day.

Maybe the dog owner should've worked with the admin employees at the county months ago when they mailed him with the warnings of non-compliance. Sometimes people are their own worse enemy.

s33daforest -5 points ago +1 / -6

I don't care about marijuana and people can smoke it, I literally do not care.

The dog was lunging at him and anyone in that position would've done the same thing. You're a liar if you say otherwise.

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny how all the idiots changed their profile pictures to something else when they caught on to all the associated deaths.

The evil and corrupt run things in this world. When they send out advertisements and encourage you to do stuff, it'll come down the mainstream pipeline. That's your red flag for ABSOLUTELY THE F*CK NOT.

s33daforest 5 points ago +5 / -0

The cesspool of pedophilia extends in each and every country. Some country's have entire historical records of it.

Whether its Ancient Greece, Rome or current day southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, its everywhere.

Have you ever wondered how and where ANTIFA came from? They were always there. They were always around, underground and hiding in basements. The dark web and dark corners of the internet had entire websites, forums and whatever portals created for them BY them.

These pedophiles are no different. They have to hide until they're ready in numbers. The Clintons spent decades installing scumbags in certain positions. Pedophiles in power likely did the same thing and at this point, I think its safe to assume that is EXACTLY what they did.

So in short; They're everywhere, hiding and organized, spending decades if not centuries slowly piecing together small to grand plans to be in positions of power.

s33daforest 3 points ago +5 / -2

Anything worth pursuing in court needs to be acquired legally. Its not that they don't care, but likely more along the lines of "if we do it, it needs to be by the books", otherwise you risk the criminals walking free (think admissible evidence).

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like the subway riders had enough of him and ran into just the right group of people who reasonably believed the need to restrain him.

History of violence and crime AS he's acting up would make any reasonable person be in fight or flight mode.

s33daforest 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is likely fake. Look at the "detainees" names in relation to their origin country. Very English/American names coming from Hispanic countries.

Any blood or plasma related company or operation would label blood or plasma as "samples" or something similar, not "inmate" or "detainee".

The idea of criminal activity is to conceal the identity of themselves and the operation. They may not care about the victims, but in the interest of keeping the operation alive, they would not risk using words that would implicate a victim exists or criminal activity is afoot.

Edit: To be clear, I don't downplay the reality of adrenochrome and societies sacrificing children for their blood, but you cant run a secret society by printing out a manifesto of your victims lol.

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the people in FL, we don't want him to leave FL.

For the people outside of FL, they don't care enough to show real support.

I think DeSantis knows he ought to stay Gov of FL. Why risk surrendering one of the handful of bastions of ever-dwindling freedom to risk being exposed to the absolute corruption of the federal system where you MUST bend the knee SOMEWHERE in order to advance your agenda.

He risks losing more running for the presidency than continuing running as Gov of FL. He knows his probabilities lay better in FL.

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

To RuPaul, its a business transaction and more money in his pocket.

To the pedophiles and scumbags, its another foot in the door.

s33daforest 8 points ago +8 / -0

This man will sacrifice it all for us. We need to be able to do the same and keep faith in him. He's a literal Godsend IMO.

I genuinely believe he will fight to the bitter end so as long as we back him. If he will go to great lengths to help ONE person, ONE employee, imagine what he feels when he sees the rest of the country and the world even, looking up to him for help and guidance.

s33daforest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost everyone involved in the supply/demand chain of illicit content or contraband do so willingly. Dealers and distributors would not be in "business" were it not for the demand from the customers. The couriers, sellers and middlemen would not exist were it not for the demand from the customers.

There comes a point on physical scene where the suspect should or ought to know the content or contraband they are in possession of is illegal and the mere possession of it furthers the criminal cycle of distribution.

Fentanyl and controlled substances are a perfect example. Dealing in stolen property also is a good example. Distribution of child pornography is ABSOLUTELY in the same category. The basics of supply and demand are met and all involved from the photographer/videographer to the "customer" are all suspects involved in a crime.

Imagine seeing the face of the child who was exploited, face to face, and you tell them "hey I don't think possessing pictures of you being abused and exploited should be illegal." NO ONE would EVER say OR think this if they had to physically interact with the victim on scene. I'm not saying you're a terrible person for defending your position, but I would say the consequence is a terrible one.

s33daforest 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Not only am I doing it for myself, but then I’m also encouraging other people that’s even thinking about it,” she said, calling the reversals a “rewarding” experience."

I doubt she's doing it for ONLY the clicks. This younger generation loves the clicks, but I also think she's legit about it since she wants to see more people free themselves. The mirror is quite the prison for the majority of people on the planet.

s33daforest 23 points ago +23 / -0

Anyone else notice the slow transition of the tone and tempo of Trump's choice of words? For the past 5-ish years, he's slowly been transitioning from generic phrasing and suggestive talk to some what direct speak (from "the elite bankers" to "the deep state").

Soon enough, he'll be naming the faceless families by first and last name.

s33daforest 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its never too late. Accountability and trust kept within the family usually fixes most problems. If the majority of families maintained personal accountability, society and the country would be better off all together.

That applies to porn, drugs and deviant behavior in general.

s33daforest 2 points ago +2 / -0

@ 32 seconds...that fake smile then immediate frown.

There's truth to what happened lol.

s33daforest 4 points ago +4 / -0

The lazy skeptic / advocate usually does that "show it to me, because I don't know how to search for it myself" / "show it to me so i can discredit your source".

s33daforest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Low level hooligans set cars on fire (usually never to the point of full engulfment), slash tires and break windows all the time in NY, Chicago etc.

That is quite literally every day "routine" crime. They get those calls for service on an average day. The reason they wont post it because its not related to this whole facade. Its a totally unrelated incident to this one.

s33daforest 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO, if there was an arrest, it would be a white-hat first.

If the Q group really is in control, I'd say they'd need the good guys to get "arrested" in order to expose the bad guys. The great awakening is a psy-op designed to (IMO) utilize reverse psychology and the left's hypocrisy to show the people that the leftist cabal have been up to no good for the longest.

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