I wish I could find that video of the Caribbean guy saying,
"White people: let your hair grow out and don't wash it. What happens? It will mat up. Dreadlocks isn't a black thing. Everyone's hair gets like that when you don't wash it."
It's time to do the "History is repeating itself far too soon for people to legitimately believe that it's true" dance!
Put your hands on your knees.
Squat real low.
Pick up the remote control.
Turn the TV off.
Go for a walk outside.
I'm telling you, she was born with both genitalia and her parents raised her as a girl, as that was their best guess. At the time that she played high school basketball, they would not have let her on the team if her birth certificate said "male".
Also, at that time, you could not retroactively change your gender on your birth certificate.
This is why the 4 point "political compass" makes more sense. Right and left are economic policies, while social policies are up and down. It's split into communist/capitalist and authoritarian/libertarian scales, creating 4 quadrants.
All presidents in the US since at least Bush Sr have been in the right/authoritarian quadrant; basically inching us toward being ruled by unelected corporations. (Bill Gates, Facebook, Twitter, George Soros, Big pharma, etc)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Edit: I now have reason to believe that Britney Griner is not transgender, but a hermaphrodite who was raised as a female. She was playing women's high school basketball at a time when if your birth certificate said you're a man, you're playing men's basketball.
"We have so many vacant homes. What should we do? Oh! I know! We should build brand new subdivisions to artificially drive up the 'market value' of the homes in the area. That way, we can sell a 60 year old house for the same price or more than the brand new houses that are popping up."
I don't know what lies beyond the veil, but I do know there are forces of good and forces of evil. If one invests time and energy into evil, evil invests time and energy into them.
It's basic cause and effect. The swing of the pendulum to the left will result in a swing of the pendulum to the right.
My taiwanese friends always told me that there are two Chinas: the People's Republic of China (PRC - maoist China) and the Republic of China (ROC - Taiwan and formerly mainland China).
The story is that during the Maoist revolution in mainland China, the sitting government at the time fled to Taiwan to avoid certain death. At the time, Taiwan was owned by the ROC, but over the years, Taiwan decided to be it's own country. The PRC claims that it owns Taiwan, despite the fact that it never took it over, simply because the ROC once owned both. However, the PRC never conquered the ROC so they exist separately.
Then there's the matter of the ROC's claim to mainland China, but let's not get too crazy here.