shadoweyes 1 point ago +2 / -1

As a non American, I have to say, I am so very pleased to see the cohesion of spirit of Americanos, which stands in stark relief to for example Australianos, who in sum foolishly fail to understand situation we face.... illustrated by their distaste towards 45

shadoweyes -3 points ago +2 / -5

Frequency domains of humanity:


loved by the matrix

cannot see outside the square

Inverted 3D Normies

strictly atheist linear deterministic worldview

strong polarisation against 45

aligned with the luciferase in the jabs

Medical priesthood is unquestioned

saturation with mainstream programming

3D Normies

somewhat religious, some belief in Yahshuah

some resistance against inverted matrix

semi awake

question control systems

Support freedom, learning towards supporting 45

selective about mainstream programming

3D Anons


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

Pray regularly, with intent

Knowlege of Yahshuah

Ephesians 6:10-18

Often caught up in patriot infighting




Know the works of Ashayana Deane

All in on team Yahshuah

Familiar with 107, Gene Decode, Kerry Cassidy

Know of Michael Salla, Megan Rose, Elena Danaan, Franco DeNicola

Pray with heartful focused intent

shadoweyes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I´m looking to fly out of South America ASAP and up to the US, would Florida (Tampa/Orlando/Miami) be recommended? Flights are pretty affordable from here... Praying several times daily

shadoweyes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I really didn't realise how different I was till I was the only person not wearing a mask through all that shit.. arguing with security.. nearly getting arrested...

shadoweyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump retruths Patton haha

shadoweyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kicked out of all 4 electronics stores in my city for mask... "I reserve the right not to serve people not wearing masks" well ok, have fun with that... Idiots

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