Stealin it Usin it Thanks for your cooperation
back in the day there were no "scraper sites" This was Q directive to get these drops to Normies. It is all the early drops organised in a logical fashion. Q confirmed Graphic is correct. Just read the early drops.
Are you guys gonna form Greater Idaho? Between Greater Idaho and Greater Texas we would be good to go!
I stand with Flynn Trump. This is not the first time MG crew has stirred shit up.
This is not the end. That is the difference. This was over when Trump came down the escalator. You are watching the end of the old guard. Turbulence incoming
You learn something new every day. nice
Retired FBI in his twatter bio
This is not the first time that inthematrixx has been stirring shit. Screw those guys.
Impeachment is waste of time. First....biden IS NOT THE PRESIDENT. 2nd, it will either not come close in the senate, or if it does pass, we will know that is what they wanted all along.
I wonder who was in the van? Thats when she got arrested.
It was Huber all along
Oh yeah...ima steal that one
IMO she cant turn that stuff over , if she does it will expose her. She has to be a little up tight over this one.
He didn't add the extra L in stolen this time
BULLSHIT its time to stand
I go through Bongino's daily post and just block the leftards...I can dismiss 10 or 12 of them to oblivion in short order...
Q is implying (IMO) that it was all through a server in NK. I always wondered about that. Was HRC server connected somehow? like a hub? dunno (non IT guy here)
Not only with HRC there was off grid coms with the whole criminal syndicate. They never thought she would loose. We have it all.
Eric Schmidt (sp?) old CEO of Google
Biden's name isnt on the list. That means there were probably many more. Where there is smoke...
Nice Work Keep it up
Sticky this one.
I dunno but SOMETHING did.