Wow! NEVER saw this! Thank you for posting!
I just bought an OLD set of , 1890. Haven't had a chance to ready yet. Should be interesting.
Could be. I'm wondering that too.
Scott Township Didn't President Trump just say Rick SCOTT should replace Mitch McConnell? A threat?
MK ultra symbol.
I work with a lady from Haiti. She is VERY much a Christian. Her whole beautiful family including 4 children, is as well. A wonderful person and family.
Wow! WONDERFUL NEWS!! It's so good to hear something good during this nightmare! Thank you so much for the update! I am SO happy for you! Now, if only my son would follow in your footsteps .......
The top Nazis were always Jews/Zionists. Even during Hitler's time they had a coin with 'the star of david/Remphan on one side and the swastica on the other. Sorry about spelling. In a hurry....
It's TRUE that this coin exists. Trey Smith has a video where he goes to Israel and gets some of these coins.
When I was a kid ( I'm in my 50s now) all I knew was Conservatism. I live(d) in the 'Bible belt'. There were Churches EVERYWHERE, at least 5 in every small community. I went to United Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Westleyan, United Church of Canada, Penticost, Churches. Now, most are closed. NOW they are putting LITTER BOXES in the schools for kids who identify as cats! The young girls around here have contests to see who can have sex with the most guys. Drugs, like METH are RAMPENT! And I saw a video today that a local person recorded people in HAZMAT suits dumping chemicals into our river (Miramichi) and lakes with dead fish floating around! It will kill the wildlife that drinks that water. I went fishing with my dad A LOT when I was a kid. LOTS of trout and salmon (some over 6 feet long) now it's almost impossible to find these fish..... and now they're poisoning them and the water supply. I have lost almost all of my family members to Cancer except my dad who has dimentia.
Looks like a Trump rally!
Maybe it IS comms of some sort. Kim Cardashian just did a 'moon shot' for a mag cover.
I lost my job working with mentally and physically challenged adults, after 15 years. I worked double shifts during the first part of the scamdemic (before the deathshots rolled out) because some staff refused to come to work. I crushed my hand (due to another staff person being incompetant) and had to take some time off. I needed surgery on the tendons and ligaments which I never got since I refused the shot. My hand 'healed' the way it was, (not the same as before but about 80%) but my employer said I couldn't come back without the shot.Now that's changed but they took away ALL my seniority because I was gone more than a year (not of my doing). IF they do 'let' me come back I have to start at square one which means I'd only get the odd shift AND I'd have to wear a mask for 12 hours straight which I WILL NOT DO! They are extremely under-staffed because the ones with the shots are constantly getting sick but they haven't even asked me to come back, most likely because I was warning everyone (staff and clients) not to take the shot and telling them the whole thing was a scam. I am still unemployed so I am breeding dogs and making money from the pups. Not much but so far getting by.
Why was this removed. I just watched the vid you had here and I thought it was good and important.
Noah wasn't a Jew. He was an uncircumcised gentile.The nation of Israel didn't start until Abraham . Also, the Old Testament, or Torah Has nothing in it about God giving Noah 7 laws, that's in the satanic talmud. The only laws God gave to man were the 10 Commandments, given to Moses.
I remember this. I definitely think it's important and NOT the reason they gave. We really need to dig into this. I'm glad you brought it back up.
No. He didn't say he was wrong. He said he COULD BE wrong. But then repeatedly said HE BELIEVES it to be in the water because the CDC is testing the water with PCR tests. Now, PCR tests have a high rate of false positives if not ALL positive results being false. PCR tests CANNOT diagnose ANYTHING. I believe the water hypothesis is wrong as far as regular water supply. But it's VERY possible it could have been put into bottled water. Remember the bottled water the lady with the tray was handing out at the Oscars or Grammys right before the FAKEDEMIC? Remember President Trump removing bottled water from his meetings and putting it on the floor?
Found it! Druthers News & Information (facebook)
Something happened. I guess they must have had their stream cut. Don't know where else to get it yet.
LIVE from Vancouver. Gates, Gore and Musk appearing on Ted Talk in Vancouver. NOT WELCOME PROTEST. AWESOME!
The children in those ads become the adult runway models after years of rape and torture. Yes....... they're all for sale. Remember the Q posts about Rachel Chandler, her 'models' with plastic on the walls behind them