Good luck with that demand.
LOL was gonna say the exact same thing.
Mass Civil Disobeience. It is the only way if they steal it.
Turns out, taking cock in the throat creates roast beef syndrome as well.
After watching the movie Gravity, just how dangerous IS spacewalking now with all this space trash floating around.
Maybe don't DEI hire based on race and put Iranians in charge of secrets.
They can't even committ to claiming Trump actually posted the picture, resorting to "appeared to post"
Concur. NT's and SP's compliment each other, and each has the other in their shadow, so that's why he can come off as an entertainer (ISFP being his subconcious, complementary type). I understand how this relationship works intimately, as I am an INTJ and my subconcious is ESFP. This matchup is portrayed in movies quite frequently. (Pinky and the Brain, Fight Club (Narrator and Tyler Durden), there are many more. Point being, its a thing. Every type has their pair. Trump, as ENTJ, is ISFP.
ENTJ. Quite certain about that.
The Judicial System has way too much power where one judge can cause so much damage.
4 thousand 100 million
It would be very easy to get the Judge to do what you want by just doing the opposite, since she is gonna rule against Trump every time.
I read this as, Big Tech bending the knee to the future president, calling out for help.
Easy win. Swap out for Harris, wait for them to stop the fines, but not complain, then sue.
Yeah, real great idea, especially since this post just announced there will be cameras on those drop boxes. Go ahead and try to sabotage them though. I'm sure you'll get far in this world.
Evil conducts its business under the cover of darkness.
"O-Shit" face
They're the same picture
But I thought the military is not allowed to be used as law enforcement on our home soil and against the citizens per Posse Comitatus Act?
Power outage, to be blamed on a cyberattack, probably from Iran, to get us into WW3. When the internet comes back on, only government websites will be operational. And then they will demand digital ID just to use the internet. Cancel the election. Rotate out Biden via 25th, and install the Demon Witch permanently. ^ worse case lol
Never trusted the guy. I don't trust many though, so there is that.
How about naming 7 things the countries needs, instead of being selfish.
File charges for theft now.
George Cockei can stick that cock up his own ass.